Happy day!

Apr 12, 2011 14:27

Two happy things for you:

Edward Hirsch is becoming one of my favorite poets. So I was quite pleased that the Knopf poem of the day was him, and quite lovely.

Happiness Writes White

I am a piece of chalk
scrawling words on an empty blackboard.

I am a banner of smoke
that crosses the blue air and doesn't dissolve.

I don't believe that only sorrow
and misery can be written.

Happiness, too, can be precise:

Doctor, there's a keen throbbing
on the left side of my chest
where my ribs are wrenched by joy.

Wings flutter in my shoulders
and blood courses through my body
like waves cresting on a choppy sea.

Look: the eyes blur with tears
and the tears clear.

My head is like skylight.
My heart is like dawn.

2. All kinds of new music today! New Paul Simon! New TV on the Radio! I've only listened to Paul Simon yet, but y'all, it is SO GOOD. Like, on the level of Graceland. Maybe a little better, but keep in mind that I have issues with Graceland (I love it and all, and my favorite song is on it, but that's one hell of an unbalanced, incoherent album). Not, obviously, as good as Rhythm of the Saints, but, y'know. Nothing is better than Rhythm of the Saints. So get ye to the record store forthwith.


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