I've been wearing my prosecutor's badge around town

Mar 20, 2011 01:00

I was gonna say some stuff, but instead I spent all day playing Ace Attorney games. Y'all, I'm talking like all day, from about 2 this afternoon to about an hour ago.

I started with the last case of Investigations, which, y'all, is REALLY LONG. It is probably 7-8 hours (maybe more than that- Bridge to the Turnabout was 7, and this felt substantially longer), which is a long time to fuck around at the not!UN.

The problems I had with the game, namely that I quit playing because I was like twenty hours in and had no idea what the fucking plot was, were resolved by the last case, but it wasn't enough for me to play it all in one go. I mean, I stopped playing it, like, last April, and only just got up the desire to finish it. It's kind of like Rise from the Ashes- I didn't make it through that one the first time either, and I didn't finish it until Countdown to Apollo. I think I would have enjoyed it more if I had played it in a short enough span of time to remember what the fuck was going on, because the credits rolled and I was stuck going, "Who the fuck was that guy?"

Though I ended up liking the Yatagarasu stuff, I have the same problem with this game that I did with AJ, which is basically that it lacks emotional depth. The first three games are so touchy-feely that it makes the last two seem kind of heartless. At least Edgeworth had some lovely moments of What Would Phoenix Do?, but it wasn't really enough for me. I mean, better than AJ on that front, and with more emotionally rounded characters, but still not really up to snuff.

And really, I think the problem is that Phoenix and Edgeworth are separated. I know their story is essentially all wrapped up, but- and I say this from a story perspective and not as a tinhat- they just belong together. That's the whole point of the first three games. It just feels like they broke up, more than anything else.

So, yeah. I'll be playing AAI2 (if it comes out here), if only to play as (spoiler: skip) GREGORY FUCKING EDGEWORTH, but it's not my favorite. TBH, I probably like AJ better, but that's probably because I haven't played AAI straight through- I like the mechanics of AAI way better than those of AJ.

From there, I played 1-2 and most of 1-3 (1-1 was yesterday). Y'all, I miss these games and this fandom so much. I love my weird little lawyers. They do my heart so much good. I love all their little faces, and their questionable grasp of made-up law, and their silly little puns, and YOU GUYS I LOVE THEM SO. It is rare for me to go back to an old fandom and still be as in love with it as when I left.

Oh, Phoenix. Oh, Edgeworth. <3

(Shameless plugging: I've been reposting some really old (like, PW Kink Meme pt. 1 old) GS stuff at the AO3, if you would like a blast from the past (and if you haven't seen it, it's new to you).

And hey, while they're still time, you can bid on me for
help_japan! I will even write you a Phoenix Wright story!)

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pimpin_aint_easy, gyakuten_saiban

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