1. Re: the new Mythbusters episode (and just in time, too, as I am now officially out of episodes on my DVR, except for the Alcohol Myths/Hwacha episode, which I kept for, uh, reasons):
Jamie referring to himself as "Mr. Hyneman": cute, or cutest thing evar?
2. Y'all, this story is starting to piss me off- which is pissing me off double, because it's for my own damn ficathon.
So the prompt is, Avon walks into a bar and meets Gibbs, right? And it's not hard to imagine a universe that they're both in, right? You can drop Avon into Washington, no worries; same thing with slotting Gibbs into the Federation.
The problem is that there is no universe where they can possibly be on the same side.
Gibbs isn't a freedom fighter, and he couldn't be, because Gibbs is not the kind of person who sees the difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist. Gibbs has shown himself to be okay with people doing criminal things if they have a good goal- of course, for Gibbs, "good" is defined as "helpful to the Marines". And yeah, he's willing to assassinate his wife and daughter's killer, but that's totally a different thing- and again, it's a bad thing that's done for a good reason.
And Gibbs is a cop, y'know? If you put him into the world of Blake's 7, he's siding with the Federation. And yeah, I can see him getting so pissed off at Servalan that he goes to work in some other branch of the government/goes to live on some random planet with Mike Franks; but even then, I don't see him harboring fugitives or giving a fast fuck about Blake's business.
The problem with that is, there's no selfless Avon. There's no Avon with good goals, not at all. Yeah, there's Anna Grant; but the thing about Anna Grant that stops her from being good enough is that the order's wrong. It's not like Avon stole all that money to get her grandmomma an operation or some shit. I mean, ffs, she was his handler, and theoretical Federation!Gibbs might even know that.
And so, if I want to keep them both in character, I don't have any way to stop them shooting each other on sight. FFS. And on top of that, if they didn't know of each other, they totally wouldn't talk to some random dude in a bar.
I wonder if I could give Avon diplomatic immunity. IDK. He's the king of Gauda Prime. Yes, I am terrible. Thank you for noticing.
ETA: 3. So. Uh. Who's gonna help me with this angsty Adam/Tory story that I'm not writing?
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