So this is mostly for my personal reference. But! Everybody likes trivia, right? So feel free to pitch in if I'm showing my ass to all of LJ.
SGA: Canon or fanon?
These are things I see repeated over and over again in fic/fandom, but which I've been unable to run down the canon bases for.
1. John has a masters degree.
2. John went to Stanford.
3. Elizabeth's PhD is in... ?
4. Rodney's PhDs are in astrophysics and... ?
5. Rodney has an MEng.
ETA: As of Duet, there are five certificates on the wall of Rodney's quarters, plus a photo of him holding one. All signs point to these being diplomas; so even if one of them is his high school diploma, Rodney must have at least one master's. No telling what it's in, though. Two of them are a different size and shape from the rest; I'm speculating that these are from the same institution.
And before you ask, no, you don't (necessarily) need a masters to get a PhD from an American university.
Son of ETA: Also in Duet, Rodney says he has degrees in physics and engineering; he doesn't say whether those are masters or PhDs though.
6. John can open doors and turn on lights with his mind. Canon - see edits
Yes, yes, obviously John can open doors with his mind. But can he do it with just his mind? Everyone else- including gene carriers- has to use the control panels.
ETA: Upon further consideration, there might be evidence for this in Sanctuary, actually. John opens through the infirmary door without apparently having used the panel- but due to the way it's shot, I can't rule one way or the other.
Son of ETA: Confirmed by Rising. John not only turns on lights, but also opens at least one door without physical interaction (other than proximity). Whether he can still do this after the city is settled and all safety protocols are developed is another matter.
ETA Strikes Back: But here's the interesting thing: in at least one instance, Carson does the same thing.
7. John can "force" Ancient tech.
Do we ever actually see him override somebody else's commands? Grodin is able to lock him and Teyla into a room in S1, and John is unable to get out (Hot Zone).
8. What happened to Stackhouse and Miller?
ETA: The following soldiers definitely died in S1: Smith, Stevens, Walker, and Markham.
9. Melena and Ronon were married. ETA: Apparently disproved by canon- see Sunday.
I had no doubt in my mind about this until Quarantine, but the way he describes her to Keller, I'm not so sure anymore.
10. John's degree is in mathematics.
11. Laura Cadman went back to earth.
12. Ancient glass/windows can turn opaque upon command.
I see this idea bandied a lot, and I'm not sure where it came from. It is damned convenient, though.
13. Green is for gate operations.
I don't think there's any confirmation for this, but is there any contradiction? Grodin never wears green, but nobody does until S2.
ETA: Gate operations, as well as possibly part of the science staff, wear medical white in the second half of S1 (Sanctuary, The Brotherhood). IDEK. Entirely possible that the green uniforms came on the Daedalus.
14. Chuck is military. ETA: Oddly enough, canon! Weir refers to him as "sergeant" in Allies.
His jacket panels go back and forth from green and black, but that could be a costuming error. Does he ever wear civilian tan?
15. Miko's last name is Kusanagi.
16. Zelenka operates a still somewhere on Atlantis.
17. Zelenka is/was married.
He does call someone on Earth "miláčku" during Letters from Pegasus, but he's got family, so that's not great evidence. The Stargate Wiki gives Tao of Rodney as evidence for this, but I literally just rewatched it and found nothing. Maybe David Nykl left his wedding ring on?
18. John and Rodney are best friends.
Wait, wait, hear me out: do we get confirmation of this at any point? Rodney refers to John as "a good friend" in The Shrine; he also refers to Carson as his "best friend" in Sunday.
Stuff that was on this list that I found answers to before I finished it:
-The team's proper designation is AR-1, not AG-1 or SGA-1; nobody ever actually uses this designation in canon. The other teams haven't been numbered.
-Teyla is the team's 2IC (after Ford's departure), not Rodney.
-There's no canon on how Lorne got the ATA gene or when he got to Atlantis (all signs point to post-Siege).
I'm sure there's more; I just haven't thought of it yet.