Aug 22, 2007 21:12
- been sketching off and on. some good, mostly bad.
- did the "happy dance" this evening... just 'cause mom made homemade salsa. been doing it a lot lately anyhoo.
- figured out my weekend plans... I think. The angel on my shoulder said, "Go to Champaign! Peter came out for your birthday so you should return the favor! Obligation! Guilt! Shame! Shun the unbeliever!" Then the devil strangles him while cackling gleefully and singing "Sweet Home Chicago". Tomorrow I'll call folks. Clarification: goin' to Chicago to see Jillikins, Walgren, and goin' to Ren Faire Saturday.
- I really, really, really wanted to read Dante's Inferno today and I don't know why! Well, I do know why... Two scenes: the famous lovers with their infamous lil' book about Lancelot and Guinevere and the old man gnawing on his enemy's skull before telling his tale of cannibalistic woe. Still need to finish Purgatory and the last book. I wonder whatever happened to my lil' Dante Aligheri sticker I bought at Universita degli Padova... and my Galileo Galilei one... Hmmm... Must go a'huntin'.
I am such a nerd...
EDIT: Rain! Stop killing my internetz!