Hi there and a question?

Mar 05, 2014 20:10

First, I'm so sorry I haven't been around.  Ya'll know why.  I'm working my way through grief and stress.  Hopping on LJ every so often is both depressing and heartening.  I still love SPN but not with the fever I had before.  I think I love the folks on LJ even more. So - I am sorry. Sorry for not talking and posting and joining in.  I just don't have the heart for it. Know though that I still think of my LJ friends often and I hope to get back in the saddle sooner rather than later.

Speaking of saddle, I have a question.  As some of you know, I have spent most of my life with horses.  That being said, they almost killed me too.  I don't blame the horses, it is what it is. Accidents happen. Still, getting back into riding has been slow to say the least.  Lately I have gotten the bug not only to ride but to own a horse.  I have one in mind and I will post his picture a little later, if things go my way. The thing is, I have a new job in the works and if this job goes through, I can afford a horse.  Well, not afford as in being loaded but I should be able to pull it off.  The thing is, my oldest kid is giving me grief.

She has made some good points.  Horses are terribly expensive. Not the buying of but the keeping of.  But I feel like I need it, like I want it.  Much like I wanted Cooper.  He's turned out to be a great dog so I was right!  But buying animals to make myself happy? Is that a good idea?  My youngest wants a horse too, although I have to admit, not as much as me.  Still, I feel like she and I would really be able to connect with a horse in a way we don't do now.  She is a great kid, but I think we both need something to focus on and what better than a horse! My oldest daughter thinks I'm crazy. Horses almost killed me!  They cost too much!  Do I really want to get involved in horses again!  You have a kid to put through college! Board is terribly expensive. WHAT AM I THINKING OF?  I think I'm ready for this, that I NEED this.  Still, I'm only going to do it if I get my new job.

So...what do you guys think?  Am I being selfish to do what I want a buy a horse or should I be more conservative and simply get lessons.  I know that neither my LJ friends or my daughter will make me change my mind but I would like your input.

I miss you guys and would really like to hear what you have to say.

The next post will be of my potentially new horse.

rl, peeps, horsey stuff

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