
Nov 13, 2012 21:52

I survived the riding expedition but probably because I was riding a geriatric horse. Still...I enjoyed it and the kid did too so yeah me! It's kind of a neat story.  The horse's name was Ego - he is an ancient quarter horse who was rescued by the farm that he "works" at now as a hack horse.  Hack horse has such a negative meaning.  But really.  All of the horses were in good weight, with nicely trimmed hooves. In my opinion, I would have groomed them a bit more (they were a little wild and wooly) but they were sweet enough and honestly?   Their job was to walk for an hour and make sure their stupid riders, or five year old riders, or smoking a cigar riders (WTF?) or birthday girls, or panicked parents, or previously run over equestrians,  just keep it together for an hour.  My daughter's horse's name was "Kiss".  I told them she always wanted to ride a horse with a china eye (blue eye) and they accommodated her! My birthday girl got a sweet tempered paint. Other horses included , Bo Bo and Ginger and Bucky and Thomas. (and a few more)  The point is. This farm often saves horses from slaughter pens or they rescue them or for whatever reason they fall into their hands.  They may not be gorgeous, or incredible movers or athletic, or forward but they are sweet and kind and know their job.  Get their dumb ass rider from point A to point B.   Kudos to HACK HORSES!  The kid who rode " drag" on this trail ride was all of fourteen on a arab cross pony. He rode sans helmet (I was freaking out a little bit) in a snaffle bit, bareback.

Dude...the kid rode like he and that little gelding were part of one another.  I have to say, that boy kinda warmed my heart. *smiles*

FYI. This farm is near a gun club. The entire time there were guns, rifles, handguns, hell maybe BAZOOKAS going off and not one horse twitched.  We had deer bounding every where and steep grades and rocky areas and these guys didn't cause a moment's grief.

If I get another horse - I'm thinking  a paint, grade, easy going 15 hand gelding with a happy go lucky attitude who only needs to eat grass and a handful of grain to be fat and happy and can be ridden with a halter.

Yup.  That's my next horse.

Also. If I wrote something completely stupid.  It's only because I've worked two days of hell in daytime as opposed to nights and have almost finished off an entire bottle of wine by myself.  I wanna watch SOA but will probably fall asleep in a drunken stupor beforehand.

Oddly enough, I don't feel even tipsy.  But when I re-read this tomorrow I will probably find tons of dumb ass stuff I said.


Addendum:  How crazy is it that you have a tag that says "Drunk"   I totally blame that on nursing school.

drunk, horsey stuff, random

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