Saber Information

Feb 07, 2009 23:57


Your name: Emily or Malice, which ever you prefer to call me.

Your journal: SaberViolinist

Contact info: Saberviolinist- Aim


Character name: Saber (Arturia Pendragon)

Fandom: Fate/Stay Night

Age: Currently twenty-two

Occupation: Saber own her own kendo dojo called the Kenjustsu Dojo. She is also a skilled violinist, has a degree in teaching, and speaks several langauages.

Position on ban: Against


Personality: Saber is loyal, independent, and reserved; she appears cold, but is actually suppressing her emotions to focus on her goals.

History:  Born in England to a wealthy, well known family, Arturia grew up knowing nothing but the finer things in life. Her father was a diplomat and frequently traveled around the world, bringing his beloved little girl with him where ever he went. Her mother, on the other had, despised the child she had given birth to. She had no occupation, nor did she travel with the two, she stayed at their home in the country side of London.

Growing up in different countries, she met many people of different back rounds and of many different cultures. When her father and she returned to England, they lived directly next to another wealthy family, who had a son a year older than she. Gilgamesh, was his name. The two were childhood friends and grew up together all the way through high school. They attended the same school, the same dojo, practically inseparable.

Her father still traveled, but she didn’t travel with him as much when she had gotten older due to her studies. Living at home with her mother, she tells people, was like living in hell. Her mother controlled everything she did from her younger years to her early teens. She began to become more withdrawn and cold, feeling as though there was really nothing left for her in her life but to do what her mother told her. The only thing that kept her happy was her sword practices and playing the violin.

The top of her class, in the dojo arts, Arturia was always by her master’s side when she was free. She liked nothing better than to be by him. He had taken her into the dojo for a few years and took her to live in Japan. After coming back from living with him in Japan, now in her early twenties, she lived with her parents again. Gilgamesh, her beloved friend, had gone off for stardom in Japan and now alone in England.

On her way to her dojo lesson the one day, now the assistant at the dojo, she entered the silent house and found her master dead. He had a sword tucked into his chest, purple pools of blood around his body. Her own mother blamed her for the death of her master, the police came to the house to take her to the station, but she was already long gone.

Now going under her nickname of Saber, she lives in Japan in her own dojo fighting against the music ban that was placed on the city. She only prays that her mother will never find her.

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