Mar 01, 2008 22:22

I'm a big fan of Itte Q! Not only because of Tegoshi. No. Really. Well, it helps and stuff. But I love the program itself. Srsly. I like Becky, Saki, Imoto Ayako...everyone! It's like National Geographic but so much funnier like woah. They go to different places and see animals and people and everything doing funny stuff. I download every single program even if it's not subbed, I don't care, it's pretty understandable and I like it. And you can always space out at Tegoshi.

The 08-01-20 show is probably one of my favourites. Cool places, cute animals, and Tegoshi being molested by a guy and a girl.

This guy went to Tasmania to see penguins.

Guy - Tegoshi-kun, do you like penguins?
Tegoshi - ¿?¿?

Announcer - Who is cuter, penguins or Tegoshi?
Guy - It's obvious. Tegoshi-kun~<3
Tegoshi - LOLOLOL

I'm in love with his laughter.

Tegoshi being embarrassed.

The guy found some interesting animals.

Awwwwwwww :D

Animal - *starts chasing the child with no apparent reason*
The child - WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!?!

Then they go to the beach and find tiny penguins inside of a burrow.

Tiny penguins I told you.

You can't dislike penguins. Everybody loves them.

They do some kind of race at night. The guy and the child are idiots and make a bridge between their legs to see if the keep on walking. The penguins are like "WTF. DUDES YOU'RE ALREADY GROWN-UPS."

Then they call their chicks, which are way fatter than their parents.

Imoto Ayako's turn. Man, she's sooooooo funny. Every time she appears Tegoshi starts cracking up. They make a good couple. And I do not think she's that ugly, I mean, that's a disguise, right? Otherwise, she would use tweezers.

So, she says she's seen some cute animals as well.

Announcer - Who is cuter, the animals you've seen or this guy's penguins?
Tegoshi - *LE GASP*

This guy is scary. Everyone was shouting "KAWAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" but, honestly, it's scary.

The tiny monkey was acting all cute and kawaii, sorta camera-whore-ish. Ayako finds a bug and gives it to him. The monkey goes from o__o to O__O and Ô__Ô and violently steals the bug. You should see the monkey's reaction, soooo funny xDDDDD

Those two guys went to Russia. 71ºC below zero. They made some experiments Aiba-style, but the funnier thing was when they undressed and approached the river 'cause it was warmer than the outside, they were all "OMG you first" "OMG how do we step in" "OMG it's cold" "OMG I can't" "OMG I--" *the ice platform below them cracks and they fall straight to the water* "OH SHIT" *they step out as soon as they can* This aired on Russian local TV xDDD

And that's all :D

lol :), reviews

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