bored and bummed...

Aug 01, 2006 16:31

*heavy sigh*

There are two people chattering in my office (well, okay, in the other half of the office space, the part that doesn't "belong" to me), so I can't concentrate on writing.

Of the four people originally thinking about going with me to the BSG con in Burbank at the end of this month, three and a half have bailed because of RL. Three and a half because one of them is still trying to work it out. :( Which means that I may have to bail because I'm not sure I can swing the hotel room on my own. Pretty pathetic, huh?

I had a cut on one finger that was small, but pretty deep, and now it's mostly healed but ITCHES LIEK WHOA!

Another half hour to go before I can go home, where there may or may not be a working air conditioner. *glares at 94F temp and 104F heat index*


Entertain me? Please? :)

ETA: Added a link to the BSG con, for anyone who wants to know more... *looks hopeful*


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