an example of why I prefer my dogs and cats...

Jun 20, 2006 18:43

So, do any of you guys know how to go about filing a complaint with the U.S. Post Master General? I have no clue how to go about it.

My husband and I just started selling some stuff on eBay recently, and not all that successfully. :( Well, one of the things we actually sold for more than like a buck was this nice little beveled glass and marble tea light holder. It sold for just under $5. Nothing spectacular. Once we received payment, my husband took it to our local post office and mailed it to the lady who bought.

Well, a few days later, and after a couple of emails wondering what was taking so long, we got a phone call from this lady (and no, we never gave her our phone number). Seems she had just received the package and all it contained was four rolls of cash register tape. She was so pissed at being had that she looked up our phone number from our return address (um, HELLO! If we were trying to "have" you, why exactly would we have put our rather public return address on the package?) and called to find out what was going on.

My husband went back and forth with her in email before he left and the upshot was that somewhere along the line, someone pulled a fast one, with neither my husband or the lady admitting to anything. (I know he didn't pull anything, and I'm giving this lady the benefit of the doubt, after having worked with her a bit myself via email, since D has been gone.) Just before D left, she emailed saying that her husband had looked over one of the rolls and it turned out to be cash register tape from the U.S. Postal Service.

We asked the lady to send the original package back to us, including its contents. For whatever reason, someone, apparently at the post office either here or at her end, stole that $5 candle holder. WTF? Why?

I just got the package back today and everything was as the lady described and it was definitely the same box my husband sent, because it was his handwriting on it with her address. It weighed about the right amount for the candle holder, but it was indeed four rolls of post office register tape. I took pictures of the box unopened, partially opened, and fully opened, and took detailed pictures of the contents (wearing rubber gloves, of course -- I do watch CSI, after all ;), but now I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do with the pix.

But I figured one of you guys would probably know. Or at least have a clue, which I do not.
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