Off work today (Columbus Day + government job = \o/), so I should get some writing done. I'm still writing at least 500 words a day, so there's that. Hopefully, I'll get the Jesse fic finished this week so it won't be hanging over my head as a WIP any longer. :P The Hunger Games monster (which I guess I could say is a Catching Fire monster, since it's set during CF) is, as of last night, at 13,537 words. I'm shooting for taking it to 15k today.
I signed up for
festivids. \o/ Some pretty cool fandoms again this year, although I'm kinda sad that I forgot to put in some of my nominations. I would've loved to have a Survivor vid or Special Unit 2. :P I requested Wiseguy, V, The Pretender, BSG 1978, Big Trouble in Little China, G.I. Jane, The Invisible Man (tv), and Sons of Anarchy. I'm offering The Blues Brothers, Chuck, The Fifth Element, I Am Legend, Invasion (tv), Ladyhawke, Last of the Mohicans, Lola rennt, and National Treasure.
And now, for a pupdate:
Minie is now 9.5 months old and my sister was complaining that she still doesn't know what her new "niece" looks like. So here are some pics, in chronological order, to this morning. Actually, at least a couple, some of you have already seen, but they still show a pretty good growth progression.
Minie at the shelter, when her name was Bazooka (which we considered keeping).
Minie the day we brought her home, 8 weeks old.
Minie at 3 months old, the cheeky little thing.
Minie at about 7 months old, sprawled over Spots' bed. :P
Minie this morning. :D