Automatic for the People wasn't nearly as good as Samson and Delilah, imho. It seemed to me to have "NETWORK INTERFERENCE" plastered all over it and I'm hoping that it was the one ep TPTB had to do that to in appeasement of FOX (the Killer of Shows).
That being said, were there things I loved?
Yes, absolutely:
*- Cameron making a barcoded ID badge by hand, using a Sharpie. \o/
*- Sarah running to Cameron's "rescue" from the other T-888.
*- The scary thread of radiation/cancer that ran through the ep, touching both Sarah and Derek in different ways. Continuity and attention to what came before in your canon is a very good thing.
Even with the good, there were too many hand-wavey, WTF?, anvilicious things for me to consider it truly good. (I mean come on. You did NOT just flashback to Greenway's scarred arm from a view of his unscarred arm, just to make sure we picked up on him not being the same man Sarah spoke to in the bar! Jeebus. Give your audience some credit. O_o)
I didn't hate the ep, but I'm glad it was the 2nd of the season and not the season opener, you know? :P