BSG fic rec

May 22, 2007 10:12

I meant to do this days ago, but other things intervened. *headdesk* Anyway...

There is just so much to love about summer_smile’s All This Land. So much.

All This Land is a missing-year fic (of which we have all too few) that focuses on Racetrack and her feelings for Helo and it gives us a lovely bit of backstory for dear, prickly, squishy-inside Maggie ( Read more... )

bsg fic that i love, bsg fic recs

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hollywoodgrrl May 22 2007, 15:01:06 UTC
Thanks for the rec. I'm gonna check it out for sure (I love reading/watching stuff that's recced).

Hey I got a tiny Racetrack question. Well it's not so much a Racetrack question as it is Colonial military question. Do you know what is the official word for the insignia that's pinned to the flight suit? Like the "wings" that Lee gives Hot Dog in Season 1? Do you know what I mean? I could link you to pictures. Oh and what is Racetrack's rank before getting Captain? Lt., right?


sabaceanbabe May 22 2007, 15:39:04 UTC
I don't think there's any special name for them. Just pilot's insignia, or something like that. You could ask at bsg_canon.

And yeah, Racetrack was (is???) a Lieutenant. I haven't rewatched the last few eps... Did she get a promotion when Kara "died?"


hollywoodgrrl May 22 2007, 15:48:34 UTC
I'm pretty sure you can't be CAG without getting the promotion. So after Maelstrom, she's not an Lt.

I'll go check out that comm. Thanks for the link!


sabaceanbabe May 22 2007, 16:07:51 UTC
You know, I was just thinking along the lines of us not hearing/seeing anything explicit, but that makes sense. Even if it were just a temporary position, the military command structure would demand that she be at least the same rank as the highest ranked under her command.


hollywoodgrrl May 22 2007, 16:12:57 UTC
To be CAG you have to be Captain (hence the Captain of the Air Group) and even when Lee was CAG, Kara was still Lt. I'm pretty sure that no one else is ranked Captain. They're either Lts or whatever is lower (what was Boomer in S1?).

Also, I was wondering, since you wrote it in your Five Fraks fic, is it real canon that Racetrack has her rack in the same officers quarters area as Kara? I don't remember from the show but I'd love it if it were true.

Sorry to keep nagging ya. And it's all for just a stupid drabble. Sheesh. ;)


sabaceanbabe May 22 2007, 16:22:35 UTC
Actually, it's Commander Air Group, not Captain. :)

I don't remember Showboat's name, although I'm sure she has one, but she's a Captain. Marcia something? And I don't know if Stinger is still around, but he's also a Captain (the former Pegasus CAG under Cain).

Boomer was a Lt.J.G. (lieutenant, junior grade) in the mini, and presumably was promoted to full lt. some time after she got back to the fleet. There was a lot of speculation that she outranked Helo, but I really think he was a full lt to her jg because he was helping to train her, thus Kara's comment in the mini about him flying with nuggets.

Alas, Maggie and Starbuck being in the same quarters is not canon. I'm not sure it's ever been mentioned on the show, who shares with whom (and that is sooooo wrong! Don't they understand that we need to know these things???), but that was just a story device for my fic. It *could* be true, though.

Feel free to keep asking questions. :D I'm looking forward to your drabble.


hollywoodgrrl May 22 2007, 16:35:11 UTC
See, this is why I need betas and such. It was way easier to write a whole script than a drabble, let me tell ya. Jeez.

Ok, who is Showboat and when did we see her? But Stinger is still around for sure.

Thanks for the clarification on Boomer. I remember a long ass time ago a discussion about rank on the Skiffy boards. They were talking about the insignia on their uniforms and rank. So back then I used to know these things. Now...not so much. ;)

I'm gonna say that Racetrack and Kara were in the same quarters. If Hot Dog's there, why the hell not?


hollywoodgrrl May 22 2007, 19:15:38 UTC
Wow. So this proves one thing. I really suck at BSG. *hangs head in shame*


sabaceanbabe May 22 2007, 19:25:41 UTC
Aw. Not really. It just proves that I'm more of a geek? Maybe? And that I really should be working? :P


hollywoodgrrl May 22 2007, 19:29:39 UTC
Nah. I just need to rewatch or something. And you need to write stuff so I can read it. ;)


sabaceanbabe May 22 2007, 19:32:58 UTC
*eyes you narrowly*

Does this mean you've made your way through all my crap fic? Even the Farscape?

An attention h0r? Who, me? *whistles innocently while eyeing BSG fic currently in progress*


hollywoodgrrl May 22 2007, 20:36:37 UTC
No no no, man. You've got a massive repository of fic here. I'm just starting. I'm a baby fic reader (not to be confused with someone who likes to read baby fic), a n00b to the fic world. But since you were partially the reason I got into fic, well that's probably why I'm hanging out and talking about fic stuff with you today. ;)


repr0b8 May 22 2007, 16:57:41 UTC
The rank insignia that's pinned to the collar is sometimes referred to as a "pip".


sabaceanbabe May 22 2007, 17:19:44 UTC
I had forgotten that. Thanks! :)

psst.... Did you get my email?


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