5 Drabbles: SPN | Sam/Dean | PG to hard R

Jul 24, 2008 14:03

Finally decided to re-post these from winchesters100. They're all essentially Sam/Dean, and all *exactly* 100 words. :p Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Kripke and WB own everything. I own nothing. Darnit.

Title | Rating | Prompt | Summary | A/N

Subway | PG | #001: Public Restroom | Another rest stop, another bathroom... | A/N: My first ever 100 word drabble. Go me! :D


Another rest stop, another bathroom, this one in a tiny Subway at the end of a run-down strip mall. While Dean's waiting for their subs, Sam takes his turn relieving himself; same routine that's been repeated at a thousand dingy places across America.

Eyes wandering as he stands at the urinal, Sam scrutinizes the patterned wallpaper, same in here as in the dining room. Thick, dotted lines labeled with stations from Burnside Avenue to Canal Street. They haven't been to New York since Sam was twelve. He wonders if the bathrooms there are just as filthy as the ones out here.

* * *

Visions | R | #001: Public Restroom | The visions were getting worse...


The visions were getting worse, every new one like a freight train obliterating his head. Standing at the sink in the Exxon bathroom, Sam splashed water on his face and ran his hands through his hair, looking at his reflection in the filthy, cracked mirror. Bloodshot eyes, dark circles underneath, wrinkles around the corners from squeezing his eyes shut; he looked like he hadn't slept in about six days. Felt like it, too.

Outside, Dean waited for him in the Impala. How the hell was Sam supposed to tell him that the visions were of the violent murder of a child?

* * *

Adrenaline | Hard R | #001: Public Restroom | After the hunt, all that's left is adrenaline and terror.


With the hunt finished, they don't waste any time getting back on the road, still high on adrenaline and needing to put as much space between them and Sperryville as possible. It's no surprise when, three hours later, they make their first pit stop, trashing the bathroom of the gas station as they work out the rest of their panic and frustration on each other.

Sam feels wrung out like a dirty bar rag, but with Dean pinned between him and the wall, writhing on his cock like a porn star, the terror finally begins to ebb. Everything'll be okay... eventually.

* * *

Milestone | PG | #002: Graveyard | After a successful hunt, Dean feels dissatisfied. | A/N: Renamed from the original, "Accomplished".


Watching the flames consume the remains six feet below, Dean feels dissatisfied, restless, angry. It was another successful hunt, yes, but that's not the problem. It's...

And it hits him. This is the five-hundredth corpse he's burned, not that he's been counting since he was ten. And no one knows about it except for him and Sam. No one knows the lengths they've gone to, to keep people safe, to stop the evil of the night. He should be proud that they've accomplished so much, but he's not. He feels cheated, and doesn't know why that bothers him so much.

* * *

Digging in the Rain | PG | #002: Graveyard | Sam's looking forward to finishing this hunt.

Digging in the Rain

The only light they have is the pale wedge glinting through the drizzling rain from the Impala's headlights. Barely enough to see by, to tell where they're digging, but it's enough.

Teeth chattering, Sam drives the shovel into the dirt again, determined to finish this, to salt and burn the damned thing that's been terrorizing the locals for weeks, to end this long hunt and go back to the motel. His cheeks and hands burn from the cold and the exertion, but all he can think of now is the warm bed - and warm body - that awaits him.

* * *

challenge: misc supernatural, fic: challenge fic, fic: drabble, fandom: supernatural, ch: sam winchester, pr: dean winchester/sam winchester, .fic, ch: dean winchester

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