Changes Afoot...

Jun 10, 2014 16:43

Hey DW and LJ! Just dropping a note to let folks know that I'm picking up and moving everything from LJ to DW. I've imported all my content, and I'll be posting everything from DW from now on, with a cross-post to LJ. As soon as I can, I'll be buying a DW paid account, and then I'll finally have my icons back!! \O/

The reason? LJ has *finally* pushed me all the way over the edge. It was already bad enough that I'd stopped paying for an account over there a while back, but this new site change? Utter garbage. I can't find freaking *anything*! It took me almost an hour to find the list of f-list birthdays that used to be available right there on the home page, and goddammit, that just ain't cool. I didn't support LJ for so many years for it to become something I couldn't even USE.

So. Yeah. DW paid account ASAP. And then, FIC! :D That's right, I started ficcing again! The other night I got a bee in my bonnet and hit comment_fic on LJ, knocking out 3 ficlets. Gods, it felt so good. I think I might do it again...

*hugs all around*

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updates: dw, updates: lj, updates: ficcish

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