8 DCU and SPN ficlets: Various | Various Char's & Pairings | G to PG-13

May 27, 2011 19:07

Disclaimer: DC, WB, and Kripke own everything, the schmucks.
Author's Notes: All these were written for my 4th LJ anniversary earlier this month. As usual, I'm late in reposting. :p

Title | Fandom | Characters/Pairing | Rating | Word Count | Prompt (as summary)

Force of Nature | DCU | Jason Todd | PG | 113 w | Wildchild

There was never any denying that Jason wasn't like his predecessor, and afterward, no denying that he wasn't anything like any of the other Robins. He wasn't carefree and cool, wasn't straight-laced, prim, proper, or careful, he didn't play things by-the-book, didn't walk the line. No, Jason was a force of nature, a Tasmanian Devil, a real wild child marching to the beat of a drummer only he could hear, writing his own rulebook, and in Jason's own special way, despite all the violence, death, rage, and revenge, it made him the best of all of them, his mark stamped indelibly on the entire family and all of Gotham: Jason Todd Was Here.


Forever Cherished | DCU | Alfred Pennyworth, Jason Todd | PG | 114 w | Memories

Often, it's overwhelming, all the things that Alfred keeps tucked inside, all the memories of his young masters and all they've been through over the years. So much grief, so much pain, so many secrets and lies, so much hiding, so much loss. But times like these, when new life has come into the Manor, or returned from the great beyond, it isn't so overwhelming at all. These are the times that Alfred will cherish forever, the light cutting through the darkness.

With great pleasure, the old man embraces the wayward boy, the long lost son finally back in the fold of family, and commits the moment to memory. "Welcome home, Master Jason. Welcome home."


Tighter | DCU | Jason Todd/Donna Troy | PG-13 | 127 w | Lasso


Scowling, Donna pulled the knots of the lasso tighter around Jason; no point in holding back, after all. But--

"You're enjoying this entirely too much."

Jason smirked over his shoulder at her, his arms creaking with the strain of the binding. "You forget I was a Robin?"

Sighing, Donna rolled her eyes as she straightened from finishing the last knot, and patted Jason on the top of the head. "Not for a minute. Now stay put while I go find a cure for Ivy's handiwork, will ya'?"

"Yes ma'am," Jay drawled, his voice thick and deepened.

Not bothering to look back as she sped away, Donna was quite sure she didn't want to know if that was the pollen, the lasso, or just plain Jay talking.


Where Grief Once Lived | DCU | Bruce Wayne, (wee!)Dick Grayson | G | 125 w | Laughter

Bruce had honestly thought he'd never hear something like this in the Manor again. He hadn't even wanted to, with all the weight of his losses and his duty grounding him in the here and now and the reality of 'what is' and 'what has come to pass'. But hearing Dick's lilting laughter, Bruce's bright boy dashing down the lawn toward the beach with just his trunks on and a towel over his shoulders in the summer sun, shouting, "Catch me if you can!" behind him, Bruce can't hide a smile. Bad things have happened, bad things brought them together, but that's nothing compared to the hope, the life, and the sense of 'what might be' that's settled into the spaces where grief once lived.


Pick This | Supernatural | Sam & Dean Winchester | PG | 137 w | Blueberries

"What, you seriously don't remember?" Sam said, standing from his spot on the side of the road to level a disbelieving look at his brother.

Dean's face crumpled in an obvious attempt to turn a frown into a scowl, as if not remembering a potentially crucial part of their childhood was no big deal. "Sam, there is no way Dad ever parked us at the side of the road to pick wild blueberries. We were never that hard up."

Reaching down to pluck another berry from the patch they'd come across, Sam shook his head and tossed the fruit into a plastic baggie. "Says the guy that taught me how to raid the bulk aisle at the grocery store when I was eight. Whatever man. Just keep picking."

"Oh, pick this," Dean shot back, but without hesitation, pick he did.


Meeting Like This | Superman Movieverse AU/DCU fusion (kalalanekent and anissa7118's LS/Heirs 'verse) | Kala Lane-Kent/Jason Todd | PG-13 | 170 w | Darkness, Light, and Consequences

There was something to be said about meeting like this, away from the lights and glitz and glamor and all the associated paparazzi and tabloid crap that came along with it, tucked away in the dark of an alley, doing what a couple of cape and cowl kids like them did best. It was natural, kicking a little thug ass, fighting in sync as if they'd been born to it, turning that adrenaline on each other afterward. It felt right, good, the perfectly addictive high.

But then morning would come, and Kala always had a gig, and Jay would need stitches, or x-rays, or a bone set, and there was no stopping the inevitable, 'Next week, same time?' and a parting kiss that inevitably tasted of tobacco, stale beer, and coffee. Off they'd go, pretending that the night before hadn't actually happened, pretending everything was fine, that there wasn't pain, longing, and regret building up in their chests with every new encounter.

To say that would end badly was probably an understatement.


This Far | Superman Returns (Aftermath-verse!) | Lois Lane, Jason White | G | 131 w | Growing up

Watching her son now, Lois couldn't help but remember a time when she'd worried that Jason might not get this far. A time when he was so little and frail that she'd been sure an asthma attack would steal him from the world, from her. She hadn't dared dream that his little body would grow so strong and healthy, sickness giving way to light and life and abilities so much like his father's.

But seeing him on television for the first time at all of fourteen years old, his bright red and blue suit covered in dust and dirt from his first public rescue, it all came home to her at once, and Lois found herself laughing through sudden tears. Jason had indeed grown up, better and faster than she'd ever expected.


Resistance | Smallville | Lois Lane/Clark Kent | PG | 160 w | Married Life

It wouldn't be so bad if maybe he'd maybe wash his own shorts once in a while, Lois groused to herself as she hit the start button on the dryer.

But the thought made her freeze.

Oh, hell no. Married life couldn't have come to that already. That was just not on.

Stepping out into the living room, Lois grabbed up her cell phone and speed-dialed Clark, getting his voice mail on the fourth ring. Naturally.

"Clark?" she started after the beep sounded. "As soon as you're done with whatever you're doing, meet me on the roof here at home. Oh, and cancel your plans for the rest of the week. We're going on that honeymoon we've been putting off. No argument; you owe me."

A quick hangup and redial to ask Ollie a few favors, and Lois felt about a hundred percent better about this whole marriage thing. When they got home from said honeymoon, Clark would be doing his own damn laundry. Period.


pr: donna troy/jason todd, fic: ficlet, fandom: supernatural, fandom: dcu: superman returns, ch: dick grayson, ch: jason todd, ch: sam winchester, pr: jason todd/kala lane-kent, ch: bruce wayne, pr: clark kent/lois lane, ch: bat family, fandom: dcu: superman movieverse, fic: request fic, ch: alfred pennyworth, ch: robin i, ch: clark kent, fandom: dcu, series: ls/heirs, ch: batman, ch: lois lane, series: superman: aftermath, ch: donna troy, ch: superman, ch: jason white, ch: superboy, ch: kala lane-kent, ch: robin ii, ch: red hood, .fic, ch: dean winchester

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