Quick Semi-Official Ficcish To-Do List

May 27, 2011 09:27

Before the end of May I need to:

1. Repost my last EyesSkyward Fic Grab fic. Done!

2. Finish and post another short SR fic I started the other day (thanks for the inspiration, Lo! ^_~)

3. Maybe knock out another fic for the Pairings Challenge, post it. ETA: It wound up being Clark/Richard, so non-counting for the pairings challenge. But it went for pornday, hc_bingo (to finish my blackout!), and au_bingo, so it's all good.

4. Finish the last 2 ficlets I owe for my LJ anniversary request meme. (Oops! O_O) Repost them all. Fini!

5. Pimp the Superman Movieverse Fanfiction Awards at EyesSkyward (ETA: preliminary post is up!) and various places around LJ as needed. (That's right, it's that time again! \O/ Nominations start June 1st, so get ready, folks!)

6. Start gathering my eligible fic list for the SMFA. ETA: Done and posted! \O/

7. Update the Pairings Challenge Master List. (Gah, I've failed on that so hard.)

*looks up at list*

Oh yeah, I'm gonna need to forget that I have knitting eating my brain for a few days. XD

awards: smfa, .to-do list, updates: ficcish

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