Ficlet: General | SR/etc | Lara Lor-Van/Dru-Zod | Hard R | 1/1

Jan 25, 2011 16:28

Title: With Fortune's Hand III: Four Relationships That No One Else Knew About: General
Fandom: Superman Returns/STM/SII
Pairing: Lara Lor-Van/Dru-Zod (& Jor-El/Lara Lor-Van)
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 976
Prompt: For the Superman Movieverse Pairings Challenge: Krypton, Kryptonian Science Council, Crystalline, Kneel, Scream
Summary: When a 'visit' to his old friend to seek an ally comes up empty-handed, Zod turns his attention on the wife of Jor-El.
Disclaimer: DC and WB own everything, the schmucks.
Author's Notes/Warnings: Third in this part of the With Fortune's Hand series, this one happens pre-everything. Trigger warning for semi-graphic rape, and yes, this is Aftermath canon (I seem to be saying that a lot lately).


Standing in the entryway to Jor-El's brilliantly lit lab, Zod watched with amusement as his old friend's new bride turned from her work, surprise blossoming on her face at his unexpected presence.

“Dru-Zod! How did you get in here?” she demanded, stepping sideways in a vain attempt to shield her work from him. “That door was secured.”

Zod stepped down into the lab proper, eying the the beautiful woman that Jor-El had taken up with. It was no wonder she was no longer simply his assistant, with such looks that other Kryptonian women might kill for if given the choice, and a fire of spirit visible in sparkling blue eyes.

“I have no interest in your data crystal manipulations,” he said coolly, ignoring her question. “I merely seek Jor-El.”

The woman-Lara Lor-Van, if Zod remembered correctly-blinked quickly and shook her head, auburn curls swaying with the movement over her silvered tunic. “He isn't here, of course. He has Council today.”

“Council,” he repeated, a sudden flare of fury burning him at the suggestion that his old friend had done what Zod had cautioned him was foolish fantasy; the Science Council was not to be trusted.

Lara nodded minutely. “Yes. Jor-El was elected to the Science Council three weeks ago.”

The flare in his chest became an inferno in an instant, his entire being tingling with rage kept only in check by years of strict discipline. “I see. Then perhaps I shall seek him there.”

“Perhaps you shall.”

But Zod made no move to leave, watching Lara as her invitation for his exit hung there unanswered, the silent moment growing and dragging on between them. To her credit, she did not fidget beneath his gaze; lesser women had cowered with but a glance.

“Is there something else?” she asked after an interminable time. “You made your views on the Science Council clear long ago, Commander. I doubt Jor-El would appreciate this, or any other visit.”

Zod stepped close to the woman, invading her space on a whim. He'd come here to seek the support of his old friend in the new regime that would soon come to pass, but seeing as that was now a futile exercise, perhaps he could allow himself a small diversion before returning to his troops, a trifle act to serve as a warning to a new enemy. And what better place to leave such a message than Jor-El's inner sanctum? How fitting to mar such a pristine place of knowledge and discovery, to show just a touch of the power that would soon lead all of Krypton.

To take in advance what would soon be his, anyway.

“General,” he said then, his face and voice neutral, his title tasting delicious on his tongue.

“What?” The note of tremor in the woman's voice was exactly what he'd hoped for, and Zod allowed a faint smile to curl his lips, his rage quickly transforming to lust at the barely concealed fear in Lara's eyes.

“You may call me General Zod.”

With a quick hand, he caught her hair, pulling her head back to turn her around and shove her forward over the crystalline console she'd been so keen to protect. Crystals snapped off, shattering with the force of the impact as screams tore from Lara's throat, a beautiful cacophony of destruction and terror.

But the screams soon became painful to his ears, clearly a waste of potential talents, so as he sought and found immediate access with a mere rip of sleek cloth, and pushed into the wet heat of the struggling woman beneath him, Zod leaned close over her and whispered harshly in her ear, “Next time, Lara Lor-Van, you will kneel before me, in silent supplication to your ruler.”

Lara only screamed louder as Zod thrust deeper into her core.


When it was over and Zod had gone, Lara pulled herself up from the heap he'd left her in, cradling her forehead where it had met the console, blood sliding warm and wet between her fingers. The lab was in ruins, data possibly lost and weeks of work destroyed, and Lara... Lara was as ruined as her lab, torn and bleeding and raw and used. Jor-El would-

Oh, Rao, her husband would be incensed.

A choked sob wrenched itself from her throat. If this could be done to her-an act so vile that the subject itself was no longer spoken of beyond the realm of their ancient, barbaric history, the last convicted perpetrator put to death many hundreds of years ago-then what of the whole of Krypton? Such a thing could not happen on Krypton. Such a reprehensible crime could not have been committed by a man that Jor-El was once proud to call his friend, a man that Jor-El had begged to join the Science Guild when they were young. Jor-El had devoted his entire life to the service of their world, the pursuit of knowledge and the advancement of their society, and learning what had happened here today would shake his faith in the Council, in the Military Guild, in their entire civilization, to the core.

No, Lara could not let her husband discover what had happened. Too much was at stake now, with the data they'd been collecting for some time, the danger they suspected all of Krypton could face in the near future. She needed Jor-El focused, especially if the... the General was to attempt to seize power, and draw Krypton's attention away from impending disaster.

Gathering herself up and resolutely ignoring the pain in her core and the tears that pricked at her eyes, she set about fixing and disposing of the wreckage of Zod's 'visit'. She had plenty of time before her husband returned from Council; she could do this. And when she was done here, she would clean herself up and seek out her personal physician to heal her bodily injuries. Yes, that was exactly what she would do.

Jor-El would be none the wiser.


fandom: dcu: superman reeveverse, fic: challenge fic, fic: ficlet, ch: dru-zod, fandom: dcu: superman returns, fandom: dcu: superman ii, series: with fortune's hand, fandom: dcu: superman movieverse, fandom: dcu, fandom: dcu: superman i, series: superman: aftermath, pr: dru-zod/lara lor-van, pr: jor-el/lara lor-van, challenge: supes_mv_pairings, .fic, ch: lara lor-van

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