Title: Outsmarting the Stars
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Character: Winona Kirk
Rating: G
Word Count: 414
Prompt: For the latest Drabblefest at
where_no_woman: 24. Gravity is a habit that is hard to shake off.
Summary: Winona is well aware of her hang-ups about space.
Disclaimer: Paramount and CBS own everything. I own nothing. Darnit!
Author's Notes: Written because Winona definitely needs more love.
Outsmarting the Stars
She hasn't worked outside a gravity well since the Kelvin, and George. Not really, even considering her stint at Utopia Planitia. Certainly nothing that required more than a few days up there. It's not even a mystery as to why, either. As much as the stars brought new life to her, they took away in equal measure, and Winona knows that's why she just hasn't been able to bring herself to take that Starbase 3 posting, or the post on the Lincoln before that, or any of the other dozen offers she's received over the last two decades.
No, working the Riverside Shipyard has been all the excitement she's wanted for a long time, and surprisingly, she's at peace with that. Counselors have argued with her on that point, but they weren't there. They can't know. Certainly, there's a component of fear behind it, terror even, that's keeping her chained to the ground, but now... now it's more out of spite than anything. Haha! she laughs at the night sky, you got George, but you'll never get me. I win.
And she has won.
Until the day she gets the call from Jim, all the way from San Francisco, letting her know where he is, and why he's gone.
A part of her is utterly mortified. No, the stars can't take her baby away. She's kept him safe from them all these years, they just can't have him.
But it isn't that simple, and she knows it.
Standing in the field far behind the old farmhouse that night, she stares up at the stars, fighting an epic battle with them in her heart and her mind. She holds onto Jim with every ounce of strength she possesses, determined to not lose him, too, as she curses the sky and everything it represents, but the stars only shine down at her in return, powerful, cold, and serene in their knowledge that they've taken his soul in exchange for hers.
In the end, the stars have won, and it's up to Winona to find new peace with it. Working on the unfinished ship still in its infancy at the shipyard has new purpose for her now, and and a sizable part of her hopes that in a way, she's outsmarting the stars, working to keep Jim safe in a future that might be. It's a small step, but it's something. She still prefers her own feet planted firmly, but in letting Jim go... maybe she'll finally find her own freedom.