You guys. You guys!! I can't even. XD
The *thing* between Sam and Dean. Love, family, whatever. Come on, say what you mean, Dean! ^_~
Dean's love of *wearing* the pink panties, making 50% of all Dean kink fic totally CANON. XD Now all we need is evidence of whoring, and we've got all the bases covered!
Gods, Cas being a pill-popping, boozing, stoner 'guru' having orgies!!! *dies with disturbed laughter*
And Lucifer!Sam!! \O/ Jared pulled that off *WAY* too well.
This episode. I swear to gods, this totally made my week. XD My fangirlish glee is absolutely off the charts!! The reconciliation, the absolute fan-service, the double dose of DEAN, the brother vs brother, the boys gearing up to give the whole angel/demon war the finger, gaaahhh!!! \O/