Those of you that know the
BlueTights Network know that it's one of the most notable websites devoted to all things Superman. Well, the BTN is branching out, at long last! Starting soon, they'll be featuring a monthly column on the main page, devoted to meta on all topics from around the DCU, Sort of in the same vein as
superhero_muses. I was approached to be one of the main contributors, and (with permission) I'm extending the invite to all of you out there with in-depth knowledge of characters, comics canon, and events in the DCU. They're also looking for reviews on various comics, animated features, TV shows, and films.
Anyone that's interested in contributing (with the offer of having your LJ and a short author bio featured with your article), feel free to comment here, and PM
brdwaybebe with your email addy, as she's gathering potential contributors for the site.
Also, feel free to spread the word around!
Thanks, all!