Ficlets: Things Are Bad; When They Were Innocent | SPN | Dean, Sam | PG | 1/1

Jan 27, 2009 21:06

Title: Things Are Bad
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean and Sam
Rating: PG
Word Count: 209
Prompt: the good old days
Summary: Dean longs for the good old days.
Disclaimer: Kripke and WB own it all. I own nothing. Darnit.
A/N: Written for winchesters100, but I fail at word limits, apparently. :/ *facepalm* Vague spoilers for S4.

Things Are Bad

Catching Sam's tired eyes after the last of the demon has dissipated, sulfurous smoke still wafting up from the floor, Dean suddenly longs for the good old days. It seems like so long ago, when the worst they had to worry about was a pissed off spirit with a taste for vengeance. Before demons, angels, seals, and prophecies. Before Hell and Lilith and this. When digging up a corpse to salt and burn was the hardest work to be done.

So long ago now. So distant. If only....

But wishing won't change the present.

"C'mon, Sammy," he says at last. "Let's get back to the hotel, get some rest." At the hotel they can shower, watch bad TV, and snarf some pizza and beer before passing out. They can sleep in way past check-out time, before hitting a diner for 'breakfast' and getting on the road for the next town. They can ignore tonight's events, or deal with them in their own Winchester-patented way. They can even forget, if they want to.

Quiet, shoulders sagging with the weight of it all, Sam nods and follows Dean out, sticking close and watching his back. Things are bad, sure, but some things haven't changed. They have each other, at least for now.

* * * * *

Title: When They Were Innocent
Fandom: SPN
Characters: Dean, Sammy, John
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100 exact (without title)
Prompt: the good old days
Summary: Dean longs for what he sees in the rear-view mirror.
Disclaimer: I *still* don't own it.
A/N: Take THAT, word count! ^_~

When They Were Innocent

Every once in a blue moon, Dean catches a glimpse of a kid sitting in the back seat of the Impala through the rear-view mirror. He knows no one's there, it's just his mind playing tricks on him, reminding him of times long gone. So many years ago, when he rode shotgun and his dad drove, when little Sammy would curl up and sleep across the back seat all the way from Texas to Idaho, or wherever they were headed. When Sam was innocent, when they were all innocent. Deep in his gut, Dean aches and longs for that time.

* * * * *

challenge: misc supernatural, fic: challenge fic, fic: drabble, fic: ficlet, fandom: supernatural, ch: sam winchester, .fic, ch: dean winchester

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