Title: Steganography
Source Media: Skyfall (James Bond), BBC's Sherlock, plus one 'easter egg' crossover
SPOILERS for both Skyfall and BOTH seasons 1 & 2 of Sherlock.
Pairing: Eve Moneypenny/Anthea (explicit), Eve Moneypenny/James Bond (implied), James Bond/OMC (implied)
Ratings/Warnings: Explicit
Word Count: ~3,400
Summary: In which Eve mourns, rejects Bond's advances, makes a friend, loses a bet, and spends a sleepless night in an old bank.
Author’s Notes: The Bond series has a... fluid sense of its placement in time, even at its best, so please forgive the bit of historical dilation when M (Dench's M)'s biography is discussed. I have a complicated headcanon for her character.
Eternal thanks to my delightful betas, Dauphkantus and Wiggleofjudas.
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