Ha...finally got away with a warning...

Mar 27, 2006 06:33

Got pulled over for speeding tonight and for the first time ever (while in a legal automobile) got away with a fucking warning. Was kinda funny afterward though. I was pissed off. My brother came home, went to take a shower, and fell asleep in the fucking bathroom (let me add in that stoners suck because they pass out wherever it is they end up...I'm still trying to figure out how he always seems to make it home without passing out behind the wheel of his car). Anywho... so after waiting for an hour to get into the bathroom to take my shower since my friends are beginning to get impatient, I go knock on the door so he'll go to fucking bed and instead I hear him get up and kick on the shower. After another 15 minutes, I give up and go upstairs to try and at least make myself stink less and rinse my hair so it'll almost lay down somewhat. Then I grab a can of pop and take off. My windshield was frosted and I was in a hurry so I just de-iced my windshield with wiper fluid and drove extra fast to warm my windows up so I could see better...plus I was still aggravated so I was in the mood to drive fast. Not to mention I didn't have my seatbelt on which is actually quite rare...I'm normally a law-abiding citizen when it comes to that. When I get to the top of High St. hill I think, "There's always cops around here...I better slow down." So I'm in the process of slowing down and pass a fucking cop on his way up the hill doing like 35 or 40. I see his brakes kick on and him turning around in my rear view so I'm trying to get my damn seatbelt on before he catches back up to me. When he flipped his lights on I stuck my pop in my crotch (kinda sorta removed my cupholders when I removed my middle seat) and pulled over. He came up and was like, "Do you know why I pulled you over?" I wasn't in the mood to play stupid so I was just like, "Yeah officer, sorry...I was driving a bit fast there." He points at my radar detector and goes, "Didn't your radar detector tell you I was coming?" I was like, "Probably, but I got my volume off." He just laughed and asked for my license and was like, "Since there's no cars out, I'll prolly give you a warning...hang tight a minute." Then he walked back to his car, checked out my license and stuff and then came back and told me he was just giving me a warning and to slow down a bit." Yeah...sucked...but hey...made for a fun story. I get to Roth's house which I was about a block from when I got pulled over and called to see where he and Wall were. He's like, "Up in my room waiting on you...wtf took so long?!" I said, "Sorry...I couldn't exactly answer my phone since I was sorta talking to the cop who pulled me over for speeding." Roth busted up laughing and I can hear Wall in the background, "Did he get a ticket?!" and Roth go, "Almost." Ha. Then we walked to Walmart and back. The end.

Oh yeah...the cop never did question the open can between my legs. lol
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