Edit: solved thanks to
marilla_pm67. Is there a way of having free standing "add to memories", "edit entry", "edit tags" etc. links? I'm working on a future layout and I'd like to have these links somewhere else than in a linkbar. I've already managed to move the "add comment" and "read comments" links, but the others are a mystery. I only have the Entry::
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Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find the template for those links. The only one I have is for the permalink ( $*text_comment_permalink). I tried replacing some elements but it doesn't work.
The rest of the funtion amounts (basically) to this:
var Link link;
var string url;
var string text;
foreach var string link_key ($.link_keyseq) {
$link = $this->get_link($link_key);
$url = $link.url;
$text = $link_caption{$link_key} != "" ? $link_caption{$link_key} : $link.caption;
if (defined $link) {
print safe """
and I haven't managed to select which links I want. (For example, I'm not interested in the "track this" or "share" links.)
I hope I was clearer :)
But to change the text into images that's possible and to 'delete' or make some of them 'not visible' that's possible too :)
Here is the code to change the link into images:
And here is the code to format the links you want/not want :
Any chance to get a view at your theme layer?
I'd like the paperclip to be aligned with the clock and the star above. I apologize for taking advantage of you, but you wouldn't know how to fix that, would you? My layer is here (it's very messy, I know!)
layerinfo source_viewable = 1;
And I will help you
Sorry, it's been a long day :)
.entryLinkbar {
margin-left: 0px;
padding: 0px;
text-align: left;}
and change it to
.entryLinkbar {
padding: 0px;
text-align: left; width: 200px; margin-left: -45px; border: 1px solid red; }
Once you have the code the way you want you can delete this : border: 1px solid red;
I use it to 'see' where the changes are or are not :)
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