Edit: solved thanks to
Is there a way of having free standing "add to memories", "edit entry", "edit tags" etc. links? I'm working on a future layout and I'd like to have these links somewhere else than in a linkbar. I've already managed to move the "add comment" and "read comments" links, but the others are a mystery. I only have the Entry::print_linkbar() function in which they're all stuck together, and when I tried to separate them, I failed :(
I hope I made sense. Thank you in advance!
But I have other questions! ;)
1) Here are two screencaps of my current layout.
My problem here is with tables.
The first one:
The second:
Without borders, the cells on the left do not keep the heights I have given them. With borders, it's exactly as I want it. Of course, I do not want visible borders... What does border width even have to do with cell height anyway?
2) Any idea of how to make my (grey) sidebar continue until the end of the page?
You can view my layer
here if necessary.
Thanks again :)