Customizing the order things appear in within the entry

Feb 02, 2009 01:22


I'm trying to do something pretty ambitious. I'm trying to make the ultimate customizable layout layer.

What I would like to do is essentially break up the entry and make it function like the sidebar does -- where you can choose what order various items appear in. (Like, if the end user wants the subject to appear above the date; if the end user wants the tags to appear above the entry. I want to make it an actual option for them when they're poking at it.)

Because I'm kind of designing this for Inksome, I've removed a lot of the things I can tell are only there to put ads in. (Inksome doesn't have ads for any account level, so.) Let me just reassure everyone that, if I ever put this layer on LJ itself, I'll work to put those bits of code back in. But I thought their absence might be easier on Inksome, which doesn't know what to do with the new permalinks in subjects.

Right now, the error I'm getting is:

Error compiling layer:

Compile error: line 1806, column 21: Unknown local variable $e
S2::NodeVarRef, S2/, 180
S2::NodeTerm, S2/, 174
S2::NodeTerm, S2/, 66
S2::NodeEqExpr, S2/, 49
S2::NodeExpr, S2/, 46
S2::NodeIfStmt, S2/, 79
S2::NodeStmtBlock, S2/, 108
S2::NodeFunction, S2/, 230
S2::Checker, S2/, 374
S2::Compiler, S2/, 34


1802: }
1804: function print_entry_subject() {
1805: """""";
1806: if ($ != "")
1807: {
1808: $e.security_icon->print();
1809: }
1810: if ($p.view != "entry") {

I think this means that I haven't defined $e, but when I put (Entry e) into print_entry_subject() (and every other one of the functions in my entry section), I get another error. Suddenly "function print_entry_subject()" is unknown.

Below are the relevant parts of my layer, without the (Entry e, Page p, [etc]):

# -----------------------------------
# -----------------------------------
layerinfo type = "layout";
layerinfo name = "Flexible Squares Mark 2";
layerinfo lang = "en";
layerinfo author_name = "Yati Mansor";
layerinfo redist_uniq = "flexiblesquares/layout";
layerinfo previews = "flexiblesquares/layout.jpg";

# -----------------------------------
# -----------------------------------

propgroup Entry {

property bool subject_datetime {
des = "Keep the subject with the date and time?";
set subject_datetime = true;

property bool tags_currents {
des = "Keep the tags with the currents?";

set tags_currents = true;

property string entry_order_1 {
des = "First item in the entry";
values = "subject|Subject|datetime|Date|userpic|Userpic|entrytext|Entry Text|tags|Tags|metadata|Meta Data|commentlinks|Comment Links";
property string entry_order_2 {
des = "Second item in the entry";
values = "subject|Subject|datetime|Date|userpic|Userpic|entrytext|Entry Text|tags|Tags|metadata|Meta Data|commentlinks|Comment Links";
property string entry_order_3 {
des = "Third item in the entry";
values = "subject|Subject|datetime|Date|userpic|Userpic|entrytext|Entry Text|tags|Tags|metadata|Meta Data|commentlinks|Comment Links";
property string entry_order_4 {
des = "Fourth item in the entry";
values = "subject|Subject|datetime|Date|userpic|Userpic|entrytext|Entry Text|tags|Tags|metadata|Meta Data|commentlinks|Comment Links";
property string entry_order_5 {
des = "Fifth item in the entry";
values = "subject|Subject|datetime|Date|userpic|Userpic|entrytext|Entry Text|tags|Tags|metadata|Meta Data|commentlinks|Comment Links";
property string entry_order_6 {
des = "Sixth item in the entry";
values = "subject|Subject|datetime|Date|userpic|Userpic|entrytext|Entry Text|tags|Tags|metadata|Meta Data|commentlinks|Comment Links";
property string entry_order_7 {
des = "Seventh item in the entry";
values = "subject|Subject|datetime|Date|userpic|Userpic|entrytext|Entry Text|tags|Tags|metadata|Meta Data|commentlinks|Comment Links";
set entry_order_1 = "subject";
set entry_order_2 = "datetime";
set entry_order_3 = "userpic";
set entry_order_4 = "entrytext";
set entry_order_5 = "tags";
set entry_order_6 = "metadata";
set entry_order_7 = "commentlinks";

# -----------------------------------
# -----------------------------------

# Header
function Page::lay_print_header()
"Prints header"
var Page page = get_page();
var string title = $this->title();

print """


# Footer
function Page::lay_print_footer()


function Page::print_stylesheets() {
if ($*include_default_stylesheet) {
println """";
if ($*custom_css != "") {
println """""";

function Page::print () {
var Page page = get_page();
var string title = $this->title();

var string page_align = "";
if ($*page_alignment == "left") {
$page_align = " margin-left: 20px; margin-right: auto;";
elseif ($*page_alignment == "right") {
$page_align = " margin-left: auto; margin-right: 20px;";
elseif ($*page_alignment == "center") {
$page_align = " margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;";


print safe """$title""";

if (viewer_sees_hbox_top()) {


if ($*show_sidebar) {

} elseif (viewer_sees_vbox()) {



if (viewer_sees_hbox_bottom()) {

function Entry::print_linkbar() {
# Links (memories, edit, prev, next)
var Page p = get_page();
if ($p.view == "entry" or $p.view == "reply") {
var Link prev = $this->get_link("nav_prev");
var Link next = $this->get_link("nav_next");

var string{} link_text = {
"edit_entry" => $*text_edit,
"edit_tags" => $*text_edit_tags,
"mem_add" => $*text_memories,
"tell_friend" => $*text_tell_friend,
"flag" => $*text_flag,
"watch_comments" => $*text_track,
"unwatch_comments" => $*text_untrack,
print safe """



function print_entry_subject() {
if ($ != "")
if ($p.view != "entry") {
print $e.subject;"  ";
else { print "$e.subject  "; }

function print_entry_datetime() {
var string time = "";
$time = $time + """ @ """;
$time = $time + $e.time->time_format("short");
var string date = "";
$date = $date + $e.time->date_format("long_day");
print $e.time->date_format("%%dd%% %%month%% %%yyyy%%");

function print_entry_userpic() {
var string userpic = "";
if ($*show_entry_userpic)
if ($p.view == "friends" or $p.view == "entry" or $p.view == "reply")
if (defined $e.userpic)
$userpic = $userpic + """$ if ($e.poster.username != $e.journal.username)
$userpic = $userpic + " in $";
$userpic = $userpic + "\">";
elseif ($p.journal_type == "C" and $p.view == "recent")
if (defined $e.userpic)
$userpic = $userpic + """$""";
if (defined $e.userpic)
$userpic = $userpic + """
if (($p.view == "recent" and $p.journal_type != "C" ) or $p.view == "day")
print """$userpic""";
if ($p.view == "recent" and $p.journal_type == "C" )
print """$userpic""";

if ($p.view == "friends" or $p.view == "entry" or $p.view == "reply")
var UserLite linkto;
$linkto = $e.poster;
#print "$e.poster.username";

base_url() + "\">";

elseif ($p.journal_type == "C" and $p.view == "recent")
var UserLite linkto;
$linkto = $e.poster;
#print "$e.poster.username";
base_url() + "\">";
if (($p.view == "friends" or $p.view == "entry" or $p.view == "reply") and $e.poster.username != $e.journal.username)
var UserLite linkto;
$linkto = $e.journal;
[base_url() + "\">";

if ($p.view == "recent" and $p.journal_type == "C")
print "
if ($p.view != "recent" and $p.view != "day")
print """

function print_entry_entrytext() {


print "


function print_entry_tags()
var string currents ="";

function print_entry_metadata()
var string currents ="";

function print_entry_commentlinks()
if ($p.view != "entry" or $p.view != "reply")
elseif ($e.comments.enabled)
" ";

function entry_order(string order)
if ($*subject_datetime) {
if ($order == "subject")
if ($order == "datetime")
} else {
if ($order == "subject")
if ($order == "datetime")
if ($order == "userpic")
if ($order == "entrytext")
if ($order == "tags")
if ($order == "metadata")
if ($order == "commentlinks")

function print_entry(Page p, Entry e, Color bgcolor, Color fgcolor)





function Page::print_entry(Entry e) {
print_entry($this, $e, null Color, null Color);

function FriendsPage::print_entry (Entry e) {
if ($*use_friends_colours) {
var Friend f = $.friends{$e.journal.username};
print_entry($this, $e, $f.bgcolor, $f.fgcolor);
} else {
print_entry($this, $e, $*entry_bgcolor, $*entry_fgcolor);

function EntryPage::print_entry(Entry e) {
print_entry($this, $e, $*entry_bgcolor, $*entry_fgcolor);

function ReplyPage::print_entry(Entry e) {
print_entry($this, $e, $*entry_bgcolor, $*entry_fgcolor);

function Entry::print_metadata() {
var string tags_sep = ", "; # text for tags separator, ", " for "tag, tag, tag"

var string show_tags_link = "none"; # set to "edit" if you want the tags label to act as an 'edit tags' link
# set to "page" if you want the tags label to link to the poster's journal's tag page
# set to "manage" to link to the Tags Management page
# set to "none" to delinkify the tags label completely

var bool show_loc_link = false; # set to false to delinkify location (no Google Maps link)
# set to true to display the Google Map link

var bool show_groups_link = false; # set to false to delinkify the group (no custom friends group link)
# set to true to display the friends group link

# here, set mood, music, location and tags into the order you want them to be displayed in
# any metadata you want to hide journalwide, delete it from this list

var string[] metaorder = ["tags", "mood", "music", "location", "groups"];

# optional:
# here, put in the URLs to the pics you want to use instead of the currents' labels
# if you leave it blank, the current's text label will be used instead

var string{} metapics = { "mood" => "",
"music" => "",
"location" => "",
"tags" => "",
"groups" => "" };

var string currents = """
"""; # here all metadata will be added to print it out in the end
var string currents_close = """
"""; # html for closing of currents container

var Link edit_tags = $this->get_link("edit_tags"); # helper var to see if remote user can edit tags

if ((size $.metadata > 0) or ((size $.tags > 0) and ($*tags_aware))) {

# step through metadata in the order the user wants
foreach var string k ($metaorder) {

var string text; # the actual value of the metadata
var string label; # the label of the metadata as set in the wizard or set-statements

# handling tags metadata
if (($k == "tags") and (size $.tags > 0) and $*tags_aware) {

# label as image or text
$label = clean_url($metapics{$k}) != "" ? """$*text_tags""" : $*text_tags;

# optional linkage around tags label
if (($show_tags_link == "edit") and ($edit_tags.url != "")) { # Edit Tags Page link
$label = """""" + $label + """""";
} elseif ($show_tags_link == "page") { # Visible Tags Page link
$label = """base_url() + """/tag/ ">""" + $label + """""";
} elseif ($show_tags_link == "manage" and viewer_is_owner()) { # Tags Management Page link
$label = """tag_manage_url() + """ ">""" + $label + """""";

# build tag list
var bool addsep = false;
foreach var Tag t ($.tags) {
if ($addsep) {
$text = $text + $tags_sep + """""";
else {
$text = $text + """""";
$addsep = true;

# handling all other metadata
elseif (($k != "tags") and ($.metadata{$k} != "")) {

# metadata value
$text = $.metadata{$k};
$text = ($k == "mood" and defined $.mood_icon) ? """ $.metadata{""" + $text : $text;

# label as image or text
$label = clean_url($metapics{$k}) != "" ? "\""" : lang_metadata_title($k);

# strip location link
if (not ($show_loc_link) and ($k == "location") and ($.metadata{"location"} != "")) {
$text = striphtml($text);

# strip groups link
if (not ($show_groups_link) and ($k == "groups") and ($.metadata{"groups"} != "")) {
$text = striphtml($text);

# skipping empty quotes (= hidden metadata)
else {

# assemble the individual currents
$currents = $currents + """$label $text""";


# close currents container
$currents = $currents + $currents_close;

# print currents
println "$currents";

function RecentPage::lay_print_footer()
var string range = "most recent entries";
var string sep;
var string back;
var string forward;

if ($.nav.skip > 0)
$range = "$.nav.skip entries back";
if ($.nav.forward_url != "" or $.nav.backward_url != "")
if ($.nav.backward_url != "")
$back = """
  • """ + get_plural_phrase($.nav.backward_count, "text_skiplinks_back") + """
  • """;
    if ($.nav.forward_url != "")

    $forward = """
  • """ + get_plural_phrase($.nav.forward_count, "text_skiplinks_forward") + """
  • """;
    print safe """



    function RecentPage::print_body
    foreach var Entry e ($.entries)

    if ($e->viewer_sees_ebox()) {



    function EntryPage::print_body()

    if ($.entry->viewer_sees_ebox()) {


    if ($.multiform_on and $.entry.comments.enabled and $.comment_pages.total_subitems > 0)
    if ($.entry.comments.enabled)

    ( """;
    $this->print_reply_link({"target" => "topcomment", "linktext" => "Post a new comment"});
    """ )
    $this->print_reply_container({"target" => "topcomment"});

    if ($this.multiform_on and $.entry.comments.enabled and $.entry.comments.count > 0)

    ( Post a new comment )""";




    # -----------------------------------
    # ENTRY
    # -----------------------------------

    function EntryPage::print_comments( Comment[] comments )
    if ( size $comments == 0 )

    foreach var Comment c ( $comments )
    var int indent = ($c.depth - 1) * 30;
    var string partialcomment = $c.full ? " ljcmt_full" : "partial";
    var string margin = "";
    if ($*userpic_position == "left")
    $margin = "right";
    $margin = "left";

    if ( $c.full )

    $this->print_comment( $c );
    $this->print_comment_partial( $c );
    $this->print_comments( $c.replies );

    function EntryPage::print_comment (Comment comment) {

    var string subject = $comment.subject ? $comment.subject : $*text_nosubject;
    var string date = $comment.time->date_format();
    var string poster = isnull $comment.poster ? $*text_poster_anonymous : $comment.poster->as_string();

    #Comment Userpic
    if (defined $comment.userpic and $*show_entry_userpic)
    var int w = $comment.userpic.width;
    var int h = $comment.userpic.height;
    var string alt = $comment.metadata{"picture_keyword"};
    if ($*comment_userpic_style == "small")
    $w = $w / 2;
    $h = $h / 2;
    if ($alt != "")
    $alt = ": " + $alt;



    print """$poster on """;
    print $comment->time_display("long", "");
    print """
    $poster on """;
    print $comment->time_display("long", "");
    if (defined $comment.subject_icon or $comment.subject != "")
    print "
    $comment.subject_icon $comment.subject" + "
    if ($comment.metadata{"poster_ip"})
    print "
    " + $*text_comment_ipaddr + "(" + $comment.metadata{"poster_ip"} + ")" + "

    print """
    """; $comment->print_text(); """
    var string alignlinks = "";
    if ($*userpic_position == "left")
    $alignlinks = "right";
    $alignlinks = "left";

    if ($comment.frozen)
    print "("; $comment->print_reply_link({"linktext" => $*text_comment_reply}); ") ";

    if ($comment.parent_url != "")
    "($*text_comment_parent) ";

    if ($comment.thread_url != "")
    { "(Thread) "; }


    if ($this.multiform_on)
    if (not $comment.frozen) {
    $comment->print_reply_container({"class" => "quickreply"});


    ANY HELP would be seriously appreciated, I'm just going in circles here and I don't know what's wrong. :(

    solved, misc