Browser Issues & Subject/Title Overflow

Apr 21, 2014 12:55

I am almost done tweaking my layout. I always hold onto a layout for years, so I'm making sure everything is the way I want it. Thanks to fueschgast for solving my other questions! You were a big help ( Read more... )

lj and browser issues, subject

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london_fan April 21 2014, 23:01:24 UTC
Seconding fueschgast's suggestion re 3. If you don't want to miss out completely on the title you could still put the text in the blurb section and display that one instead of the title? That way you could even customize font and text size to your liking. Text-shadow isn't supported by IE at all, but there used to be a (wonky) circumvention with filters for older IE versions. They won't work with any version above IE9, though.the additional property for your title would be something like filter: dropshadow(color=#cccccc, offx=1, offy=1). Again, this won't work with newer versions of IE!

I wanted to draw your attention to something else, too: your sidebar image has the background colour #f8f8f8, whereas your layout background colour is #f6f6f6. They're almost the same, but not on a monitor with good contrast. I definitely see the the edges on my screen, so you might consider matching your background colours?


hadathought April 22 2014, 16:06:51 UTC
I responded to fueschgast thinking it was you. Whoops.

So I did know about the image. I was concentrating on the layout first, then I was going to direct my attention to all of the graphics/Photoshopping. Thank you for letting me know though! Would you mind looking at it now to see if it's transparent? Just double checking. I also ended up making the Title an image. It seemed easiest, since I'm pretty good in Photoshop.

Do you know how to solve my first question about Safari and my user pics?


london_fan April 22 2014, 16:31:12 UTC
It looks perfect now. Love your solution. Had I known you're comfortable with PS I'd have suggested that in the first place. Sometimes putting together one simple image solves several issues all at once. You'll never have to worry about any browser issues for your title text-shadow now! :)

As for the other question... I'll have to admit that I don't use Safari and therefore have never really looked into its specific issues. I've goggled a bit and found several "workarounds", but they require changes to the HTML source code to change around some divs, so...

I can't test it for you, because I don't use Safari, but maybe adding overflow: hidden; might make a change? Worth a try at least. Let me know if that works.


hadathought April 22 2014, 17:06:50 UTC
Thank you! IE makes me so mad sometimes. I personally use Firefox and love it. Safari gives me a lot of trouble, but it bothers me when my layout doesn't look the same in all browsers. I'm a liiiiittle obsessive compulsive. Just a little ;)

I added the code, but (like I said) Safari gives me trouble. I don't know if it worked. I usually have to wait a day for the changes to take affect in the browser. And that's even after I restart Safari. If that didn't work, I could be putting the code in the wrong place or the code just didn't work, for some reason. You're awesome. Thanks for your help!


london_fan April 22 2014, 17:54:46 UTC
Yes, same here. I try to check everything in FF and IE at least, but I've given up on fixing things for all other browsers (especially older versions), because I don't want to install all of them just for layout testing purposes. I do have some friends who check out new layouts for me in their browsers.

Hmm, the "waiting for change becoming visible" indicates that the old version is still cached. Clearing the cache might move things along in general whenever you need to test code changes.

P.S.: Upon a quick check it looks like the code is in the right place!

You're welcome!


hadathought April 22 2014, 18:16:06 UTC
Pfft, I had totally reset the cache as well. Oh buggers, I'll just check it later and see what happens. I'll let you know :)


hadathought April 23 2014, 15:08:06 UTC
Okay, well I checked Safari this morning and the user pics are the same. I know it reset because I had to change something else on there and that took effect. *sigh* Almost perfect!


london_fan April 23 2014, 15:22:10 UTC
Bugger! Thanks for letting me know anyway. :(

In this case the only way I could still think off is to actually modify the source code for the userpic, but I'll have to pass on this one, because I wouldn't know how to "translate" the few tutorials I've found to fit with LJ's source code in this instance, sorry!


hadathought April 28 2014, 12:00:53 UTC
I have another sidebar question for you. I don't want to make another post, as it will be my third :D But I thought it might be a quick fix, if you're up to it. I just have a feeling it's one tiny thing, but I can't find it.

My default userpic is right where it needs to be in my journal and the same in most of my friends page. But I realized it looks weird if people aren't using links in their journal. Their default userpic is way too high and leaks off the page. Any ideas?

The first image is a friends entry who has a Links List:

... )


london_fan April 28 2014, 12:16:37 UTC
Hi. I can look into this if it can wait a bit, but right now I am on my way to the airport, so I'll be away for a bit. If it is urgent, you better make a new postor ask someone else. :)


hadathought April 29 2014, 13:57:47 UTC
Sorry for the late reply. But yes, I would love your help when you are able to. Thank you!


london_fan May 4 2014, 22:57:04 UTC
Back again (more or less).

Re: the (mis)placement of the defaultuserpic:
Well, that's something that can't be "fixed" with CSS. The layout you chose will only work properly with a linklist (and even then it will only show the first five links (according to the maker). It's a quirk of this layout! The maker of the layout intentionally "misplaced" the defaultuserpic by adding a huge margin to create the unique effect of showing the defaultuserpic and the linklist side by side. Usually those two elements of the sidebar would be displaced one below the other (in this case first the linklist, then the picture). With this coding the huge top-margin now pushes the defaultpicture upwards, basically forcing it to overlap with the linklist. The downside is that it will look screwed up to everyone who isn't using the linklist. You could "fix" the margin, but then the lovely effect of the picture right next to the linklist would be gone for everyone and I don't think you'd want that?

Re: Comments indenting on the right side:
There is a ... )


hadathought May 4 2014, 23:12:50 UTC
You're awesome. Thank you so much for getting back to me - I really, really appreciate it :)
That's a bummer about the Links List, but at least I know what the problem is now. I know all about theme layers. I used one for my last layout, so I'll work on that and see what happens. Unfortunately, my internet is on the fritz right now. U-verse will be here on Tuesday, so I'll have to wait and mess around with it then. I'll let you know - Thanks again!!


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