Browser Issues & Subject/Title Overflow

Apr 21, 2014 12:55

I am almost done tweaking my layout. I always hold onto a layout for years, so I'm making sure everything is the way I want it. Thanks to fueschgast for solving my other questions! You were a big help!

Here's what I need to know... (with images)
1. The leaf shaped user pics look perfect in Firefox and IE, but they look completely wonky in Safari. Is this just a browser issue or can it be fixed with some coding? [IMAGE]

2. Again, a browser issue. The title of my journal has a text shadow that Firefox and Safari can pick up, but IE takes it off. I don't know how to get it to show up in IE. [IMAGE] SOLVED

3. And lastly, I have seen several posts about the Subject of an entry being too long and messing with layouts, but not one of them actually answered the question. Is there a way I can keep the Title on my sidebar, but get rid of the Subject and the "Post a Comment" bit? (Or whatever else that shows up there. I just want the Title visible.) It overflows into my sidebar image. I did see an answer involving moving the image higher. I would do that, but the Subject text doesn't start below the title - it's next to it. I don't know if that makes any sense. I'm glad I posted images though! [IMAGE] SOLVED

My Journal: hadathought (Permanent Account)

/*- 007 Faded wide ver.
Layout by lu_hesperia at
Tiny icons by -*/

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lj and browser issues, subject

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