[Solved] Userheads, currents, resizing and more...

Jan 16, 2012 03:00

Alright so I have several questions here and I hope someone can help me if you find yourself with some spare time in your hands. :)

1) Adding space between a username and a userhead.

Pretty self-explanatory, I think? Basically I want to add space, and overall align, a username and a userhead.

, basically.

2) Adding groups to currents.

So, using this reasoning, I almost get what I want. The problem is among my currents I also have groups. How do I add groups to the combo and replace the word 'groups' for an image like the ones used for music, mood, location and tags? I hope that made sense.

3) Resizing an image/video.

I've seen a few codes that cut a video or an image from your friends list so it won't mess a layout. Is there a way to resize it instead of cropping it off? That would be wonderful, if it's possible.

4) Last but not least, the order of a stylesheet.

I am obsessive compulsive about order and even though I am using a code already created by milou_veronica, I want the sheet to be in complete order. This question can have many answers but, I suppose I just want to know what are some tips to keep a code in order. I know a lot of people keep them really pretty. What can or can't have spaces, when can I separate a line or not, etc. I just want this looking more like this.

metadata, solved, stylesheet, misc, entries

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