Crammed - Needs Margins, but where?

Jul 03, 2010 21:38

I have not been on LJ in years so I've forgotten a lot of my css editing skills. So I just came back and wanted to find a simple layout to change a little.

I found exiiguity's layout at reversescollide
I am using "Pixie Fix Here.

The one thing I didn't like about the layout was the small icons which were set at 70x70px. I changed them to 100x100px.

So, after I did that I had some issues with the layout.
This image will show what I mean.

Now everything is crammed together.
When I tried to increase the right margin for the subcontent it didn't work. When I tried to increase the left margin for the maincontent that didn't work either.

I'm only so-so with css to begin with.

Help me figure out what needs to be increased and how so that it's not all crammed together?

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