Customized and non-customised comment pages

Jul 03, 2010 19:01

Account level: paid
Link to layout: active journal | original style code thing
(I altered the code a little bit on my journal but I don't think it'll be relevant to this question)

I have a feeling I already know the answer to my question but with only the previous hour of tag-checking and FAQ-browsing under my belt, like I wouldn't even know.

Question: I was wondering if it were possible to sometimes have customised comment pages for certain entries and non-customized comment pages for others. The reason I ask is because sometimes I write fic and for me it tends to look better on non-customised pages. I wanted to avoid having to make a personal comm/another journal just for fic.

The answer is no, right? I had a look into themes and styles and layers but like I said, with only an hour of experience in these fields I barely understand the differences let alone the theory. The "one core theme and one style layer" makes me think I can only have one or the other at a time but I thought I'd just try asking people with more knowledge and wisdom.

Even if it's not possible, thank you for your time :)

lj and browser issues, entries

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