HOWTO: Mood icon to the left of metadata

Dec 15, 2006 16:04

UPDATED (3/03/08): This function has been updated to add the custom friends groups to the metadata. Code is based on kunzite1's similar modifications for every other style. (Comments to this entry before the update probably won't make sense anymore.)

Since you need to override the print_metadata() function, this modification will require a custom theme ( Read more... )

s2:theme layer, entries:metadata, !tutorial, advanced, $acct level:paid or perm

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jadedthang January 9 2007, 11:12:29 UTC
Ok. *flails* I have no experience with S2 layers, what so ever. Basically all I'm looking to do is put my location after my mood and delinkify it. That's it.

I created the custom theme layer for expressive, inserted this code, and set the values for loc_after_mood and vanilla_loc to true. Unfortunately I got no results. Is there something else I need to change or set values for? Or something I have to do in order to make the theme layer active?

P.S. I also tried kunzite1's code, but there are just so many things in there that I'm at a loss for, and I don't want the images instead of the linkbar.


av8rmike January 9 2007, 13:56:16 UTC
The entry kunzite1 linked to above was written for Bloggish, so I don't know what will happen if you just cut 'n pasted it into Expressive. It might work, but the styling would be wrong because the class names are different. Anyway... To use your theme layer, go to Your Styles, edit the style in use (should be called "wizard-voxhtml" or something), and ensure it's using your theme layer in the drop-down box instead of one of the existing themes.


jadedthang January 9 2007, 19:03:57 UTC
Thank you so much for your help!

Ok, I've got my layer being used (yay) and it all seems to be working fine. The only problem is that I didn't actually want the mood icon to the left of the metadata. *facepalms*

I wish I could figure all this stuff out on my own, because I know that you've got better things to do. Is there something I can change in the code to put the mood icon back to the right of the metadata where it was originally, and still have the location come after mood?


av8rmike January 9 2007, 22:24:31 UTC
Unfortunately, putting the mood icon left of the metadata is what that function does. Changing the order of the metadata is just a side benefit. =P I was actually going to adapt kunzite1's later version for Expressive within the next few days, since it's been kind of slow here. I think that new function will be a little more configurable.

BTW, is it totally weird of me that any time I first glance at your icon, I see the rainbow coming out of the guy's nose?


jadedthang January 9 2007, 22:40:10 UTC
I know. *chuckles* I was just kind of hoping that maybe if I rearranged something maybe it would go back to the original position and I'd still be left with the loc_after_mood but this is cool like it is for now, I appreciate the help and the coding! I'll keep an eye out for the adaptation whenever you get around to it.

And OMG no it's not weird of you. At first glance I see it too, which is part of what makes me love that icon so much lol.


twissie January 12 2007, 15:19:35 UTC
Let me see if I understand you here. You are planning on adapting kunzite1's code for rearranging metadata (I'm assuming that's what it does after.. staring at it for a couple of minutes XDDD) for use with Expressive? That is absolutely excellent! O_O; I welcome your plan with open arms xD;


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