Hi, I'm a total newbie to the CSS, but thanks to this comm I managed to customize almost everything I wanted...however there are 4 things I couldn't find anything about (searched the tags through).
1. If it's possible I want to change the color of the border-line between entries and the sidebar to #151B8D Solved!
2. I would like to move the nav-
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2. You can't do this with just CSS; you need a theme layer.
3. Have you tried adding to .asset-name {} something like background-color: xxxxxx; ?
4. You could do this:
#content { margin-top: 5px; }
1. nope, it's still purple
2. oh, OK
3. could it be a bit wider and loger than the subject text so the text won't start where the highlighting starts and it's wider (and gets wider when the text is more than one row)
.layout-wt #content-inner { background-image: none; }
#alpha { border-right: 1px solid #151B8D; }
#beta { width: 189px; }
3. You can't start the background any further to the left, but you could indent the text with some left padding in .asset-name. It should stretch if the subject text is more than one row.
3. THAT! Yeah...could you help me with that please? (no idea how to do that) and maybe something like moving the text a fex pixels from the bottom of the subject line if there's a way? (so under the white text is still a little bit blue)
padding: 0 0 5px 20px;
You'll probably want to tweak the numbers a bit. The third number changes the amount of space below the text and the fourth is the space to the left of the text.
BTW I put #content { margin-top: 5px; } as you said in the CSS box to move the first entry on the page closer to the header, but it doesn't really show...Did I leave something out that could cause it?
The content top margin is definitely working, so you haven't done anything wrong. How much closer do you want the entry to the header?
I think about 15px
.stream-header { margin: 10px 0 0; }
I used this in my CSS and it mostly worked, but my f-page shows the first entry a bit lower than on my "Recent" page. Is there a way to make the f-page first entry the same distance from header as on my Recent page?
And for the sidebar thing, would it help anything if I made a 1px wide white line PNG/JPG/GIF/... (no clue about height) and uploaded it somewhere?
Is it possible to make it go all the way down?
This is ALL the CSS I have in right now:
#header-inner ( ... )
Thanks anyway.
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