CSS Problem with Comment Box

Apr 23, 2009 09:38

First thanks for the TinyIcons entrys. You Tags page totally helped me out :))  Now I have a problem with my comment boxes. They do not look as supposed to.

Nicked this form from another journal, just to make this a little clearer.

flummy_pumpkin my own
S1 oder S2: S2
Layout Stil: Expressive
Account Art: paid
Problem: CSS Problem with comment boxes more behind the cut

The left top corner of my comment box is supposed to be round like the right top corner

But I have no idea what to change to make it visible. I did try a few things but something keeps vanishing.

The whole stylesheet: CSS

Just the needed (think so) code

#comments .comment {
background:url(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v429/MTina/Various%20-%20also%20crap%20-/Moving%20Pics/Boards/LJ/Edinburgh/cornertopright.jpg) no-repeat top right #fff;

#comments input, #comments textarea {
border: 1px solid #7f7f7f;

.comment-inner {
background:url(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v429/MTina/Various%20-%20also%20crap%20-/Moving%20Pics/Boards/LJ/Edinburgh/ccornertopleft.jpg) no-repeat top left #fff;

Would be nice if anyone could help me, thanks in advance! I hope I did the tags properly! 

comments, advanced

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