Behind the Sex - Chapter 36

Oct 23, 2015 11:12

Title: Behind the Sex
Fandom(s) : U-KISS
Pairing(s): KeMaru
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU, Romance

Warnings: Awful!English
Author's Notes: My second NaNoWriMo, and a rather bold decision, if I might say :)! Hopefully doesn't contain too much inaccuracies, and if it does, please ignore it? >_>?

Prologue :: Chapter 1 :: Chapter 2 :: Chapter 3 :: Chapter 4 :: Chapter 5 :: Chapter 6 :: Chapter 7
Chapter 8 :: Chapter 9 :: Chapter 10 :: Chapter 11 :: Chapter 12 :: Chapter 13 :: Chapter 14 :: Chapter 15
Chapter 16 :: Chapter 17 :: Chapter 18 :: Chapter 19 :: Chapter 20 :: Chapter 21 :: Chapter 22
Chapter 23 :: Chapter 24 :: Chapter 25 :: Chapter 26 :: Chapter 27 :: Chapter 28 :: Chapter 29
Chapter 30 :: Chapter 31 :: Chapter 32 :: Chapter 33 :: Chapter 34 :: Chapter 35

Kibum eyed the irregular schedule presented to him and frowned slightly. He turned to the receptionist who was ready to shrug his question off dismissively, then frowning a bit more.

No matter his identity as Kevin’s driver, the receptionist was not going to compromise the brothel’s rules to tell him who this new customer was. Kibum remembered the last time a rich young brat spent a fortune to book Kevin’s entire month and how he acted out of sorts in his supposed retaliation.

“I’m ready.” Kevin said simply, emerging from the corridors in a simple shirt and skinny jeans. He watched Kibum take in his outfit for the day and fidgeted self-consciously. “It’s odd, I know. But apparently that’s what the customer wanted.”

Kibum smiled slightly as if apologising for his lack of greeting before, not letting on why he had lines etched onto his forehead. He tried relaxing the muscles there, then nodding his head towards the car park for Kevin to follow.

“Why are you so quiet today?” Kevin asked, wondering offhandedly if he was the one being loud instead.

Kibum didn’t further question on last week’s incident where he refused payment. Luck was on his side, maybe he shouldn’t push it. Kevin bit his lower lip as an afterthought, eyes darting nervously towards the older man.

“Am I?” Kibum smiled again, and Kevin nodded hesitantly at Kibum’s neutral response. “Maybe I’m a bit reluctant to send you to your new customer.”

The man disappeared into the car almost immediately after the last word left his lips, not giving himself enough time to register the younger man’s reaction. Kevin stared into the air where he last saw Kibum’s face, fist clenched as if the slow down the pumping of his heart. He blinked a bit more, hurriedly shaking the thoughts off his mind and then entering the same car.

Kibum was nonchalantly fixing the rear view mirror while starting up the car, the words from before as if said without extra caution. Kevin tried not to sigh, hurriedly slapping a smile on his face as he watched Kibum drive out of the brothel’s car park.

There’s nothing he can gain from asking the specifics of what made Kibum say what he said.

Nothing, but a heartache.


“Hello.” The man in his mid-forties greeted, smiling warmly.

It wasn’t as if there weren’t any customers like him before, but somehow it was bugging Kevin. The man seemed to carry himself well, and it was an odd situation for him to be greeted so warmly when they knew why the both of them were in a hotel room with money in the older man’s wallet. The curtains were drawn, the bed was inviting, and there was his client starting off their meeting with an almost innocent greeting.

But his job was to play along.

“Hello.” Kevin smiled and half-sang his words as he wrapped his arms around the other’s neck. “Your cologne smells nice.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

The prostitute raised his head slowly and watched those piercing eyes stare into his own. It wasn’t like he was being intimidating, but the concentration behind the gaze was burdensome. It was like he was trying to read something from Kevin’s face.

It was like déjà vu.

He tried not to let his nervousness show, steadying his smile and gauging his customer’s pace. Kevin found the other’s hands at his hips too loose, as if politely holding onto him because he had thrown himself into the older man’s arms. Was he going too fast?

“Is your tie making you feel stuffy?” Kevin asked sweetly, gently tugging onto the said tie. “It makes you look very uptight.”

“I guess that is so.” The older man chuckled, nodding slightly. Kevin took the cue to slowly undo the tie, then pulling the material off him. He tried not to show that the eyes focused on him were bothering him, instead mindlessly wrapping the tie around his wrist when he was done. “…have we met before?”

“Really?” Kevin almost smirked, but managed to make it look like a pretty smile instead. He threw the tie aside when he was done playing with it, eyes finding the older man’s. “Is that the best pick-up line you’ve got for me?”

And maybe it was something about his response that the other man had been fishing for, but the tension that Kevin barely felt before immediately disintegrated. The man was a lot more at ease, his hands now sliding up to Kevin’s waist for a firm grip. Kevin bit back a sigh, wondering why he was surrounded by people with so many secrets.


His first impression vanished into thin air, and Kevin wondered if this made it more comfortable. The air of superiority was neutralised, and the prostitute saw how it hid such a beast within. This was what Kevin was used to, this was comfortable.

Kevin fought the mocking his brain had for him.

So being shamed was comfortable?

He whined softly as his hair was pulled onto, his entire weight shifting according to his customer’s wishes. Falling back, Kevin gave a quick smile and turned his body to trail kisses down the other’s body. In this sense, the man was easy to read. Kevin had years of experience with men to know exactly what a man like him would want.

Of course, there was one exception.

He eased from his previous action into holding on to his customer’s length and then placing kisses all over it as if worshipping. Kevin made sounds he didn’t mean as his soft locks were tugged onto, letting the older man thrust into his mouth.

Before long, Kevin found himself bent over, legs wide apart. He moaned loudly as he watched from half-lidded eyes the satisfied expression his customer wore, himself pacing his screams to the rhythm the man set.

He could barely feel the other, and he wasn’t sure if the customer could tell. Kevin could feel barely enough friction and wondered if his exaggerated reaction was enough to make up for it. The man leaned lower as he pounded into Kevin, arms steadying the younger’s hips that was moving way too violently.

“Does this make you feel so good?” He asked, voice low and smug.

Kevin watched the white wall before him and fought his own smirk, raising his tone and adding a bit of a tremble. “Y-Yes, m-more…”

He writhed against the older man’s hold, the more violent the better, arcing his back sharply as he felt the other throb within him. The man was close, his pace now slower but deeper, his breathing now very much quickened.

Kevin decided to be a bit considerate, then asking, with a moan no less. “W-Would you like me to ride you?”

So he laid the older man comfortably on the bed, himself then falling forward as the man entered him again. He watched the man take pride in the needy expression Kevin wore, then bouncing hurriedly to let the old man reach his release.

It was business, as usual.


The eyes of the graduating psychology student never left his phone. He stared at it for a bit more, legs then moving on their own while his mind was trying to comprehend the simple words texted to him.

“Pick me up outside my room.”

Kevin usually comes down to the hotel’s lobby just fine while Kibum waits in the car, their usual drill. The only explanation Kibum could come up with for today’s exception was that this was the request by the new client.

But why?

Whatever it is, this man seemed like a cautious man. Kibum stepped into the elevator and waited for it to reached his floor, a slight frown in place. Did he not want to be seen? Does he expect to be seen?

Before Kibum could find the answers to his questions, he had already knocked on the door and heard Kevin from inside.

“Hey, thanks.” Kevin smiled, leaving the room as properly dressed as when he went in, with only his hair’s awkward parting giving room for suspicion as to what went on behind closed doors.

Kibum stared at the now closed door, registering both the frown on the customer’s face, and the eyes that saw him.

“…did he tell you to close the door quickly?” Kibum asked, turning towards the elevator without greeting the younger man back.

“Yeah, said he cannot deal with the sudden change in air pressure when doors open.” Kevin shrugged. “No use talking about scientific things with me, I don’t get it anyway.”

Air pressure. Kibum clenched his teeth and chose not to comment, or more accurately, fought not to comment. Instead, he stepped into the elevator with the other by his side, waiting for the doors to close before his own mouth opened. “Don’t you know who he is?”

Kevin paused, looking at the older man weirdly. Was he supposed to know who that man was? Was that not just a bad pick-up line? “No, who?”

“No.” Kibum managed a smile, shaking his head. “I just wondered if he was an old customer.”

“…no.” The prostitute replied after giving it a bit more thought, face then reverting back to his usual nonchalant one.

Kibum pressed his lips together, fighting the part of him that was so willing to tell of all that he knew. He looked at Kevin’s innocent expression, so unknowing, so pure it was almost a lie

Then it hit him.

If this was what the brothel wanted, what the customer wanted, what the world wanted from him; If this was so, then Kevin was better off not knowing. And Kibum would give all he could keep that expression on Kevin. This irrational desire that was growing within him to protect this page of white, untainted by the bias he didn’t know.

Whatever there was to know, maybe Kibum could keep it away from him. Maybe that would return some of the childlike innocence that Kevin lost all those years back.


He observed his nails, watching the jagged shape of it look unappealing. It has been a while since he remembered to cut his nails, and their length has now become perfect for biting.

Only that he had quit this habit since he was 10.

Kibum couldn’t erase the frown now almost permanently etched between his brows. He let his fingers run over the jagged nails, feeling the uneven parts dig into his skin.

He was nervous.

It wasn’t the most obvious thing for someone who doesn’t know him, since a slight frown on his face didn’t look all that out of place. Without knowing Kibum’s personality, there is absolutely nothing wrong with uneven fingernails as a result of a nail-biting habit either.

Kibum unconsciously scratched the back of his neck and almost cursed out when the sharp part of his nails scratched his skin a little deeper than he intended. He rubbed the area to soothe the lingering burning sensation, then bringing his hand back to the front to check out the time.

Another three minutes have passed since he last checked.

He was anxious.

This couldn’t be. Time should have passed way quicker. It must have been five minutes instead of three, his watch must be broken. Kibum thought back and tried to remember how he sensed time.

His heartbeats. They were irregular.

His response. It was abnormal.

It was so easy lying to Kevin all this while; coming up with a new identity, slipping himself into a different world, conducting research under a false front. He was even capable of hiding his feelings to a certain extent, but a sudden realisation at who this new client of Kevin’s was suddenly made him so honest. It was almost laughable, but Kibum even lost his ability to make light of the current situation and distant himself from it all.

Every time Kevin was by his side, Kibum fought every nerve in him begging to tell the younger the truth.

Keep him in blissful oblivion, his brain said. Nothing good could come out of this knowledge, it explains.

But what he doesn’t know will hurt him, his heart said. And that’s because you won’t tell him, it continues.

He’d only know the correct decision when it unfolds, and it’s too late for regrets when it does come. Kibum groaned as he fidgeted in his seat yet again, eyeing his watch again as he waited for the message from Kevin to say it was okay to be picked up.


An unorganised lump of clothes, the dark and humid atmosphere within a closed room, the smell of bodily fluids in the air. The place was foreign, he probably had only been to this specific room once or twice before in his entire life, but it was familiar. Or at least it was supposed to be.

All instincts point this towards conventional, as an every other day. And he too, thought the same.

The customer gave almost the most ordinary of responses now that they have met for numerous times. Like a blind man trying to look for spots, Kevin kept drawing blanks on what was so different about this man.

It wasn’t like he could completely force himself to forget Kibum’s questionable behaviour. He could see the restlessness in Kibum’s fidgety figure, looking so on edge like he was hovering over a bed of thorns. Kibum was so rarely disoriented, and the unsettling feeling made even Kevin nervous when faced with his routines.

If Kibum was always so calm and could be rattled by this man’s appearance, maybe he should be careful too.

But be careful about what?

Kevin let his mind wander a bit further as he was rocked against the bed, fingers ghosting over the other man’s body. It’s not like this man was with some mafia or the bad guys. At least he didn’t have any tattoos showing his allegiance, though that might be naïve on Kevin’s part. Maybe he was the leader? Do leaders have to show allegiance too?

“What are you thinking of?” The man’s subtle frown showed that he caught on on Kevin’s distracted state.

“You.” Kevin smiled softly, fingers running through the man’s hair.

The reply was sufficient to elicit a smirk, too easy, and Kevin received the quickened thrusts with loud moans to completely smooth over the previous situation.

There was no way this easy man could be dangerous.

But then, what was making Kibum so antsy?


“May I?” Kevin asked sweetly, making sure ten minutes have passed since they sprawled out on the bed. He was supposed to act the part of being tired from the workout they had, but anything longer than ten minutes would look like an exaggeration.

“Contact your driver? Yes, go ahead.” The man nodded with a small smile, himself getting up to dress up again.

Kevin quickly typed the said message and sent it to Kibum, a satisfied smile fixed on his face when he was done. Still, the man currently wiping sweat off his body with a cold wet towel surprises him from time to time. The tone he uses always sounds so formal. Oh well, he’s probably just a businessman like all his other clients.

Lightly placing his hands over the other man’s, he gave a pretty smile and helped wipe the man’s body clean. His job wasn’t really done until he gets his pay, afterall.

“Thank you.” The man said, hand reached out to stop Kevin’s movement. “That’s enough.”

Kevin nodded wordlessly, then moving to throw the soiled towel back into the bathroom while getting one for himself to quickly clean himself. By the time he exited the bathroom, the smartly dressed client handed over his payment.

“Thank you.” Kevin smiled, pecking the man’s cheek to make the exchange more natural. He started getting dressed himself, mentally timing the amount of time left before Kibum reaches his door.


Kibum knocked on the door a little too impatiently, frowning at his hand that made a few knocks too many. He quickly brought it back to his side, staring at the door knob and willing it to open.

“You’re here?” Kevin asked as he opened the door, reminding himself to open it only slightly as per customer’s request.

Kibum held onto Kevin’s wrist through the space and pulled him out from behind the door, then hurriedly closing the door. In his haste, the door might have slammed shut a little too loudly, but that didn’t matter.

“He hasn’t really dismissed me.” Kevin blinked, but Kibum kept walking towards the elevator without a word. “Kibum?”

“He’ll ask you to go anyway.” Kibum said simply, not once turning back to address Kevin.

Kevin stared confusedly at Kibum’s back, wishing answers would write themselves nicely on the white shirt the other wore. Answers to why he pulled him out, why he was being so distant, why he had to inform Kibum every time he ends his appointment with this client.

Kevin smiled softly, shaking his head as if to shake away all the thoughts. If things were really so easy, his first question would probably be:

Do you think you could love me?


behind the sex

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