Parenting For Dummies - Chapter 31

Dec 06, 2013 00:04

Title: Parenting For Dummies
Fandom(s) : U-KISS
Pairing(s): KeMaru and (real) brotherly love for the rest
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Genre: AU, IDEK. Reality? :D

Warnings: Awful!English, MPREG.
Author's Notes: HERE’S MY KEMARU FAMILY FIC, MUAHAHAHAH. Didn't check for mistakes, just posting as it is XD. Have fun?

Prologue :: Chapter 1 Clean Ver. / Chapter 1 Dirty Ver. :: Chapter 2 :: Chapter 3 :: Chapter 4
Chapter 5 :: Chapter 6 :: Chapter 7 :: Chapter 8 :: Chapter 9 :: Chapter 10 :: Chapter 11 :: Chapter 12
Chapter 13 :: Chapter 14 :: Chapter 15 :: Chapter 16 :: Chapter 17 :: Chapter 18 :: Chapter 19
Chapter 20 :: Chapter 21 :: Chapter 22 :: Chapter 23 :: Chapter 24 :: Chapter 25 :: Chapter 26
Chapter 27 :: Chapter 28 :: Chapter 29 :: Chapter 30

It had been two months, and no matter what sort of pleas Kevin executed, Kibum wouldn’t bring him to see what the house looked like.

Kevin blew air into his cheeks while resting his chin on both of his palms against the dining table, pouting disappointedly. “Did it cost a lot then?”

“Not as much as I thought it would.” Kibum vaguely answered, smiling faintly at Kevin’s expression. “And I bought it quickly because many were vying for it. Since I was able to pay the full amount, the seller let me have it.”

“You’re not lying to me, are you?” Kevin frowned, suddenly sitting up. “In the city and with it being so big and all, you’re not loaning from the bank or something, are you? Did you mortgage our current house?!”

“Relax, baby.” Kibum chuckled when Kevin started freaking out, wondering how he should protect the oven and the refrigerator. If they go bankrupt, he needs to at least feed his babies. “Yes, I loaned some money from the bank, but from the monthly profits the company is getting, I’m able to return the loan within the span of time they gave me, don’t worry. It might be faster if we’re able to sell this unit too, but I want to take my time to move over. And that house is still renovating, so yeah.”

“Why won’t you just let me see what it looks like?” Kevin pouted once more, trying to do it as cutely as he remembered how to, tentatively putting the money issues to the back of his head. “Why so secretive?”

“Soon.” Kibum swiftly kissed the pout away. “Just wait a bit more.”


Alexander and Soohyun raced each other to the door, while Kevin watched with mouth agape at the beautiful porch. Short bushes were still growing, but other than that, everything reminded him of what he had wanted. The white picket fence surrounding the beautifully painted two-storey house with an attic, the short little gate he didn’t say he wanted but definitely did. There was even a four-seater garden swing, safely rooted to the ground.

“Kibummie-hyung!” Kevin sniffed, leaning against Kibum’s shoulder. “This is beautiful.”

“Wait till you see the insides.” Kibum chuckled, and the two brothers started skipping around the front yard, away from their parents. “The garage is on the left, spacious enough for two cars.”

“You’re…buying another car?” Kevin frowned. “Are you sure our financial status is-”

“Just a small one. Our current one is a seven-seater already, but to travel to and fro work with this big car just wastes petrol. I’ll be buying a small one for myself to drive in and out. The alternative is to buy from my brother, since he’s been wanting to change his car.”

“Buy it from Hyungjoon-hyung.” Kevin urged, deciding that a second-hand car, especially from Kibum’s brother, would be a lot cheaper. “It’s not good to spend so much money, we need to save up to feed two more mouths.”

“Hyung eats in his car, messily.” Kibum frowned distastefully while recounting. “The reason why I don’t want to buy it from him.”

Kevin chuckled, shaking his head. “I’ll clean it up for you. Anyway, can we please enter the house? I’m excited.”

“All right.” Kibum smiled, the two brothers already eagerly waiting by the door now with shining bright smiles.

“Daddy, quickly come~!”


Alexander squealed the second he entered, instantly running off to a certain feature that caught his eyes. Soohyun curiously followed, exclaiming his happiness when he reached.

“There’s a slide~!” Alexander announced, quickly climbing the steps beside the said slide.

Kevin turned to Kibum questioningly. A…slide?

“Well, I thought going down the steps was always a chore, so I asked around if making slides inside houses were possible.” Kibum shrugged, smiling as Soohyun got his turn to slide down.


“Do you like it?” Kibum beamed, pleased with how the house ended up to be, and even more so seeing Kevin nod furiously. The walls were of a comfortable white colour, not too glaring, slightly dulled. The kitchen was also spacious enough for Kevin to cook up meals for six stomachs, and of course their rooms were just waiting for their old beds to be moved in. The attic….well, Kibum still doesn’t know what he wants to do with it just yet, but there is always time later for that. And there is- “The back yard.”

“The back yard?” Kevin blinked, unable to understand in a second.

“Let’s go see the back yard.”


“It’s beautiful…” Kevin swore he stopped breathing, the small dazzling and colourful garden at the corner, and a water fountain in the other corner. Between the two was a gazebo, perfect for the family to sit in when spring comes by. There was also a big open space for Soohyun to play soccer between the backdoor and the gazebo, if Alexander or Kevin decided to play with him, of course.

“Soohyun has to prevent himself from kicking the ball too high up though. It may be kicked into the neighbour’s house, and we really don’t want that.” Kibum joked, looking at Kevin’s expression with some anticipation for a loving reaction. “Do you like it?”

“Oh, honey.” Kevin called, hugging Kibum’s arm because it wasn’t very convenient for his nine-month pregnant form. “Thank you, this is wonderful.”

“We can move in already.” Kibum whispered, breathing against the top of Kevin’s head and nuzzling his nose against the younger. “The kids can’t seem to wait.”

“Me too.” Kevin took in a deep breath, squeezing Kibum’s arms anxiously. “I can’t wait to start life here.”


Sorry this was short, but I am going to write a lot a lot more now that my exams are over!
Haha, updating this as a sign...I hope XD Hopefully no one forgot the story for this OTL.
The last update was a year ago.........oops.

parenting for dummies

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