I really struggled with this tutorial. I was never any good at writing S2 code, I'm just good at adapting it for my own purposes! Anyway, I finally came up with a way to display a tag cloud in your sidebar, thanks in part to the tutorial in
s2smoothsailing. You can have many variations of this, so I will list them here as well.
Basic Code Tags as a list with varying font sizes (keeps the bullet image).
function print_module_tags(string title) {
var int minSize = 10; # minimum size of tag links, in pixels
var int maxSize = 24; # maximum size of tag links, in pixels
var Page p = get_page();
var TagDetail[] tags = $p->visible_tag_list();
if (size($tags) < 1) { return; }
var int most_count = 1;
open_module("categories", $title, "");
foreach var TagDetail tag ($tags) {
if ($tag.use_count > $most_count) { $most_count = $tag.use_count; }
var string[] links = [];
foreach var TagDetail tag ($tags) {
var string uses = get_plural_phrase($tag.use_count, "text_tag_uses");
var string security = $tag.visibility;
var int tagtextsize = $minSize;
if ($tag.use_count > 1) {
$tagtextsize = (($maxSize-$minSize)*$tag.use_count)/$most_count + $minSize;
$links[size $links] = """
» Display the tags inline (keeps the bullet images)
Add the following code to your custom CSS:
.module-categories li{
» Display inline without bullets
Add the following code to your custom CSS:
.module-categories li{
» Display as list in a scrollbox
Add the following to your custom CSS:
.module-categories ul{