Oct 01, 2007 20:20
WHOO. I'm gonna sit down for a minute.
I went chopping on the way home - got some toys, some camping food, a nifty candle, and some henna. I also talked to a checker about this wonderful incense that they're always out of, and, on her assurance that the comment cards actually DO work at this place (World Market), I filled one out and requested that they stock the FUCK out of that shit in the future, because I'm sick of them being out of it for three months. Only I said it more politely than that.
When I got home, I:
Sliced up a truckload of fruit and put it in the dehydrator.
Weed-ate (weedeated?) the grass/weeds trying to grow up through the patio, and mowed half the yard with the weedeater (damn battery operated CRAP giving out on you halfway through - whatever, it doesn't pollute).
Swept said patio. I really need a new outdoor broom - this one's so old, it's all curly.
Harvested Echinacea seed.
Did some more work on the Irish Table - it's only about an hour's work away from being finished, w00t! I got all manicure-y last night, and now my hands are all fucked up again from sandpaper and black furniture stain, dammit. It sucks trying to be pretty and an amateur carpenter at the same time. :/
Washed the dishes and tidied up the kitchen a bit.
Organized all my sewing patterns - the ones I've been putting into file folders - and alphabetized/numberized them into a nice file box with handles, and rearranged my craft room closet to accomodate the box.
Went through FOUR boxes looking for my stack of pagan music sheets - it's not "sheet music", but it's lyrics and guitar chords for a bunch of standard pagan chants and songs and stuff. Gonna copy those tomorrow at work, and bring them to Her Nadiafullness tomorrow night for her chant workshop at FoG.
Paid the cable bill online.
NOW I'm gonna sit my ass down and eat something, because, DAMN.
fucking bank,