8:00am up. feed animals. breakfast. Facebook.
9:00am Begin unloading and disassembling bookcases.
9:48am Done. Break.
Things so far:
1. Dogs lick dust.
2. The way I put my tarps away last time was stupid, and now I have to re-organize them all when I'm done here.
3. Tarps make awesome dog toys.
4. Gypsy claymz dis Furnichur for Spane.
5. Tarps = nap places.
6. Dogs also lick paint.
a Helper!
10:20am De-glossing done! Thirty minutes! This shit is AMAZING. Had to put the pups outside: Daisy kept trying to
lick the de-glossing solution! She didn't get any, tho.
Never did take that break. Headed that way now.
And then: painting!
Orangey-brown faux-cedar finish, gold knobs, and pink-flowered drawer liner?!?
a WORLD of NO.
<-- can you find the llama in this picture?
11:47am Base color coat done on all shelves, doors, drawer fronts, and the entire body of one unit.
Still one unit to go, but it's about a third of the work I've done in the last...hour and a half?
I need a rest before I keep painting.
1:32pm Only half a unit left to go on the base color - stopped for lunch @ Chipotle and more knobs from Hobby Lobby.
It is Smurfy in here, or is it just me?
This is the base color - and it's actually less swimming-pool IRL, and more of a medium teal color.
This piece is a combination of wood and veneered MDF, so it couldn't be stripped and re-stained (plus, fuck hand-sanding all the little chinks and crannies in that trim work! HORROR). So I'm doing my favorite faux finish: paint that looks like wood.
Base color on all pieces finished at 3:00.
4:09: Have finished the wood tone coat on one entire unit, all the drawers and doors and shelves. Only one unit left to go, but stopping
for the day because OMG TIRED WTF.
Here is the same piece you
see above, with the black-brown
"wood" coat over it.
From afar it looks basic
dark brown, but up close you
have what you see at right...
...which is this: a hint of blue inside the "wood grain."
Very matte and dull at the moment, but will shine
up and warm up a bit when I clearcoat it tomorrow.
SO. I'm dirty. I'm tired. I'm hungry. And I have drum circle to go to in like an hour and a half. So I'mma grab a shower and a smoke and some food, and hit the road. But all this? Not bad for....*counting*...about seven hours' work, minus a lunch break. Wow. *falldown*
Tomorrow I'll finish the dark brown wood-tone coat on the remaining pieces, and clearcoat the whole thing - which I should be able to get done by about 1, so that (a) they'll be dry before nightfall and I can put them all back together, and (b) my BFF is coming over with BONES episodes to watch tomorrow afternoon. :)