Lest I whine about the stuffy nose (yup, got me too) and the PayPal, here are all the good things I haven't had a chance to post about yet from the last week. They're all people, mostly women, who I had the pleasure to sing with just a few short days ago.
At the unexpectedly super-fun show at In Other Words in Portland last Friday, as part of the
Luna Music Series, I met and heard Poeina Suddarth of
Felina's Arrow, Charlotte Thistle, Julia Dawn, and Lila Nelson. Each of these is a delightful woman with a captivating voice and an awful lot to sing about.
Poeina was our hostess that night, and she brought each of her performers a small gift--mine was a wee purple gift bag with grape-scented bubble stuff AND play-doh in it. This girl has a lot of jazz and blues in her--and now, after listening to Felina's album Let Me Tell You a Story, I HIGHLY recommend it. Juicy, juicy jazzy vocals, songs about scary real-life things made fun and not woe-is-me. WOW. There are a couple of tracks from it on the Felina's Arrow Myspace page--go listen! Poeina is such a giving person--number eight of thirteen brothers and sisters I think??--and she's traveled all her life. I like her more with every song of hers I hear.
Charlotte Thistle took the stage after Poeina, and her pipes immediately got my attention, as well as her on-purpose use of certain guitar EQ frequencies to help turn her instrument into a drum when she wanted one. Charlotte has a hell of a range, and though her CD, which she sweetly traded me, is aptly called 'A Girl with a Guitar' (that's for you,
satyrblade ), her live performance is engaging and spot-on enough to get you through her more pedantic musical moments. She has a kick-ass sing-a-long ('Mommy Why'), from the perspective of a little kid who doesn't understand why she can say 'war' but not 'fuck' without getting in trouble. I'd recommend finding a
show of hers just for that!
Next was
Julia who almost didn't make it to the gig in time. What a treat! Julia Dawn has one of those passionate, breakable singing voices that you'd wrap in a blanket and feed tea to--if she weren't singing from a tawdry boudoir about her 'Sugardaddy' that is! Her style made me smile, and I was quite impressed with the way she navigates a fret board--girl can really pick out a hell of a guitar part. Her Myspace page yields more juicy arrangements of her songs--sax everywhere, synths, just yum. I didn't get to visit with her at the show, but I at least had time to give her a high-five when she was done.
After Julia,
stealthcello and I hit the stage, and all bets were off. We played quite possibly the silliest show of my entire career (all three Wendies, Alligator, Raccoon, AND Callan, among other things), and despite missing
copperwise and
tanuki_green , we had a great little ice cream scoop of fans there, including
chris_walsh ,
mlerules , and
lightfoote . Thanks again for being there with us, you guys. Also, special hugs for
lady_tigerfish and her posse, for gushing love upon us after the concert!
Not to be sneezed at,
Lila Nelson went on when we were done. Lila is pure class, and bless her, she rode the silly-cloud along with us, which might have been the only way to survive. I laughed so hard, and I was healed like a healing thing! Lila engaged us from the beginning, irreverent and immensely talented. 'I played at a wine bar last night,' she admitted, 'and I can't see any of you.' Hers is a girly voice with guts--whether singing lullabyes or telling the truth about 'folk porn'--"that's hot!" she said, gazing lustfully at her harmonica! She plays beautiful and tasteful guitar, with a quietness in her vocals that draws the listener in and keeps the audience close. Lila regularly DJs a weekend radio show in Arcata, CA called Meet Me in the Morning (the station streams
here), and she takes songwriting prompts from listeners, bringing back new songs the following week. She extended an invitation to me to come and play on the show, and I truly hope I can make time to take her up on it soon. Here's her
Myspace, for those interested.
All in all, the gig last Friday turned out to be my second-best show in Portland ever, beaten only by the first one, which was with Gaia Consort on
suddenlynaked 's birthday a few years ago. Most of my experiences gigging in Portland have involved really scary open mics and less-than-ideal venues. This one was a bookstore that magically transformed itself into a listening room, packed with attentive, sweet people. What's not to love!
Ah, Conflikt! Back to Seattle Metro we came, to be regaled and welcomed by the likes of
Vixy & Tony and
Seanan McGuire.I am a lucky girl, as ever, oh yes. Seanan and V&T are widely known here on Teh Livejournalz, so I'll just briefly add my own praise.
Seanan still loves me, in spite of the Wendies (which she is the first person to tell me directly she does not like. It's refreshing). She bought two CDs from me and traded me a third for her own
Stars Fall Home. For these things alone, I find her to be a remarkable person, but there's way more than that. Do check her out. Boston folks, she's coming to Boskone. Best be there.
Though it was brief, I did at last get to connect with Vixy and Tony, after at least a year of several dear friends gushing over how wonderful they both are. Yes, Vixy is a complete doll with a voice like butter, and Tony is the epitome of sweetness. We will connect again soon, and I'm very very happy about that. Thanks for all the recommendations about those two, all of you.
and extra special hugs to
vixyish and
tfabris, who will likely read this at some point.
So I'm fighting stopped up ears and a stopped up nose in order to do my two shows this weekend. I will endeavor to be plague-free by the time I need to be entertaining and huggy tomorrow, so as not to pass the crud around yet again. Please please send Reiki, love, and healing if you have any to spare. It's been sleep and watch movies (Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Sleepy Hollow, The Libertine) for me the past day or so, with much chugging of Airborne (blargh), echinacea, vitamin C, and Zicam (nostril-swabbing, the new sport). Tonight I may try to make a quick appearance at SoulFood, where Clint's band will perform at 8pm. If you're free tonight, come on out, and hug me from a distance.
*edit* Clint's band with sister Gracie, TWIRL, is really worth going to see! Bonus is Joel on electric violin (many of you will remember Joel as standing in for Larry in Gaia Consort when Larry's wrist was broken)-- i feel silly not having known he was playing with Clint. Anyway, crazywonderful healing energy bouncing from wall to wall (not uncommon at a SoulFood show, as we know) and really dynamic versions of songs of their own, as well as Clint singing Ani (yes!!) and doing a fine job, and duets with Gracie on Tori songs. Yeah, it was a good night.
And now I'm going to bed, and I feel like a million bucks! You guys are amazing! I think, combined with the good JuJu from SoulFood tonight, that you've given me a big boost in getting over these sniffles! Thank you!
vrax I suspect had a rather firm hand (or showerhead....and that's not what I mean! stop bein' dirty!) in it. *hugs* all around, anyway, to whomever had healing and love to spare today. I think singing will be just fine for me tomorrow.
'singing works just fine for me'