I can haz LLC for mah band in the state of Washington.
How cool is it that the Corporations Division takes the time to say congratulations when they email you about LLC approval?
My LJ pants are bankrupt and likely to stay that way.
I am still here.
There was a gigantic festival gig followed by a fantastic decompression gig, you see, and now I have to once again catch up with real life and all the aspects of running my own business. I haven't even told my mailing list about Mythcreants yet.
Also, my social calendar is frighteningly packed. That's both good and bad. It's good because I had the time to set things up with the people who've already asked me to come to dinner or to just hang out. It's bad because there's no room left now, and I can't see and hang out with everybody I care about up here. Please know that if I didn't get to talk to you more than 30 seconds at Faerieworlds, or if I don't have hangout time scheduled with you for the rest of my time in the Northwest (read: August), it isn't because I didn't/don't want to.
The important things:
-Faerieworlds was amazing.
-Decompression was amazing.
-Spinning fire with
hammerdancer ,
gypsy_savina ,
elocinnuala and
omnisti on Saturday night, and feeling like I've FINALLY got my stride back, was so good I can hardly hold it.
tfabris ,
vixyish ,
tereshkova2001 ,
stealthcello ,
omnisti and I made it to see the Jim Henson exhibit at the EMP yesterday, and it's worth it--you've got a few days yet to go if you haven't yet, it's open until Aug 16th. I might have to go again. There's a Dark Crystal room! And. Some of us got to BE Muppets! TWICE!
-Everyone loves the Tricky Pixie album, or the people who don't aren't talking, and that's ok with me.
Tricky Pixie has a new website design, thanks to Kevin and to Hawk.
You can buy the album online now, or download it right from the website if you prefer. Our Bandcamp download site is
here. -I have a bit of downtime here and there, which I might just get to use for recording: Monkey Brains Studios is about ready to launch again in its swanky new location above ground.
Behind the scenes:
It's a good thing the down-time is coming....because I need it. I am admitting that I need it. I find I even need a break from social things, which is a lot for me to make peace with, surrounded with so many people I want to give my time to. This, after Faerieworlds last week, and Sidhehaven, spinning fire and making it to the Abney Park concert all in one weekend (I took a minute last night to say "I don't think I've dressed up this much for a show that wasn't mine in a very long time"). My head says "hey, remember that you just had a whole month of gigs that included a CD release, lots of good and intense rehearsals, your biggest festival this year so far, two-and-a-half different bands, and a good bit of driving. Not to mention two radio interviews, a magazine cover, personal epiphanies, crazy medical news from friends far and wide, and more grown-up financial nitty-gritty than you've had to think about since the surgery. And it's not over yet. Cut yourself some slack, woman." Sometimes a girl just needs to hole up, not be in costume, get some damn rest, get some new songs out of her head, and not have her picture taken a lot.
Here's to just a wee bit of slack.
Love to all of you.
And thanks to all the event producers and friends and fans of mine and ours who've made this summer so intense and incredible for me. Just wow. Thank you.
This Saturday Kitten Sundae makes music, and a little magick too, in celebration of Robbie and her wonderful beau.
omnisti and I will mark our anniversary Friday.
Five years, this one the hardest and most amazing so far.
More words and celebration on that in the days to come.
More words from Fairyland now.