Apr 03, 2011 15:24
SMAP Ganbarimasu 2011 hontou ni saikou deshita! xDDD
It was truly 3 hours of maximum enjoyment from hilarity to deeply touching and of course, epic SMAP moments. I had a more detailed post in mind, one with all the fangirl flailing that the episode deserved, but this was the thing that struck me the most; the thing that prompted me to write this quick post because I simply had to get it out of me.
Like everyone else who has been following the discussion on SCS, I got to know that Kimura-san was actually running a temperature during SMAP Ganbarimasu. And, it wasn't just for the actual live broadcast. If you look closely during the basketball free throw section, in the final round when Inagaki-san was about the throw the ball, Kimura-san was just leaning his head against the bar; he looked like he was really, really ill. Of course, when the camera turned back on to him, he just smiled and pumped up his makezugirai spirit as he normally would. ♥
Fans commented in various places that they had been worried for him and were amazed/proud that he performed as well as he did considering he was suffering from physical strain due to his drama filming (changes in temperature because of his filming location conditions, hard schedule etc.) and the sudden spike in SMAP activities, and nasal inflammation on top of his hay fever allergies acting up again. His physical condition was definitely not at its best, and yet he came through with his usual spirit and energy.
To quote some comments on the free throw segment (loosely translated from Japanese),
"Due to overwork, stress and illness, Kimura-san's physical condition definitely was not at its best. Despite it all, I think it is amazing that he still comes through successfully. He, himself, knows that the people around him are depending on him."
"The fact that Kimura always practices before hand so that he can appear in his best condition is renowned. But, apparently this time, he had had no time to prepare. Yet, he still came through, and this makes it even more amazing."
Kimura-san, hontou ni otsukaresama deshita~ ♥
artist: kimura takuya,
group: smap,
variety: smap ganbarimasu