Accelerant does cheerfully allow (perhaps even encourage) people to make up their own traits that work with their own campaign flavor... those get lumped under "Special," if I recall correctly. The only thing you're not allowed to do is make up your own groupings of stats, or to change the existing groupings... so, I can't add something to Mental, etc.
Right now, in 7V, we use Terror for when we want an attack to not have common shields or cures with a fear-flavored creature. There are standard critters in the monster manual that get it. While we may adjust the balance or ratio of Fear to Terror at some point, it's likely that Terror will persist as one of our more common and standard not-mentioned-in-Accelerant-Core-Rules traits, like Blood, Virtue, Hex, Darkness, etc. As such, giving someone who's immune to Fear a chance to purge Terror seemed like a good fit. It wouldn't make Terror attacks any more common or devalue the usefulness of Shield Mental or Resist Fear, since it wouldn't have any effect on our monster stats.
Unless I'm missing a point...?
As to whether fear-ish creatures should throw less Terror and more Fear, that is a completely separate statting issue, which I'm planning to look into on the next stat review. It may be that people's impressions that there's as much Terror as Fear out there are off due to particular creatures that were out last weekend or something... I sure thought there was a lot more Fear than Terror in the standard stats... but if it's true that we use a lot of Terror in standard stats and if that's not likely to change, giving some people a Purge shouldn't devalue existing Fear defenses, whether we also drop the frequency of Terror or not...?
Right now, in 7V, we use Terror for when we want an attack to not have common shields or cures with a fear-flavored creature. There are standard critters in the monster manual that get it. While we may adjust the balance or ratio of Fear to Terror at some point, it's likely that Terror will persist as one of our more common and standard not-mentioned-in-Accelerant-Core-Rules traits, like Blood, Virtue, Hex, Darkness, etc. As such, giving someone who's immune to Fear a chance to purge Terror seemed like a good fit. It wouldn't make Terror attacks any more common or devalue the usefulness of Shield Mental or Resist Fear, since it wouldn't have any effect on our monster stats.
Unless I'm missing a point...?
As to whether fear-ish creatures should throw less Terror and more Fear, that is a completely separate statting issue, which I'm planning to look into on the next stat review. It may be that people's impressions that there's as much Terror as Fear out there are off due to particular creatures that were out last weekend or something... I sure thought there was a lot more Fear than Terror in the standard stats... but if it's true that we use a lot of Terror in standard stats and if that's not likely to change, giving some people a Purge shouldn't devalue existing Fear defenses, whether we also drop the frequency of Terror or not...?
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