(no subject)

Oct 17, 2007 10:13

So, apparently fandom has killed my incest squick-- or most of it, at any rate.

I've been rereading Melanie Rawn's Dragon Prince series, which, god knows, I've been fascinated with since I was 10 or 11.

Re-reading it has brought up some big race and gender issues I didn't notice when reading it the first time around, but that's beside the point and deserves it's own post at any rate.

When I first discovered slash, I kind of wanted to slash the characters but all of the really interesting dynamics are between family-- most notably Pol and Andry have a seriously messed up relationship, and Andry and Sorin actually have that mild psychic connection fandom tends to give twins. Not to mention Maarken getting torn between his duty to his cousin Pol (his Prince) and the allegiance required to his brother (the Lord of Goddess Keep and commander of the Sunrunners-- the magic users of this universe). And in the earlier generation-- I mean, I know Rohan is totally gone for Sioned but seriously, that guy's got a serious crush on his brother-in-law. Really, people.

I mean, the only awesomely hot slash pairing that isn't within the Desert royal family is Sioned/Ianthe/Pandsala, and even then-- dude, Ianthe and Pandsala are sisters and crazy evil to boot.

But hey, at least I'm not shipping Pol/Rohan-- Damit, now I'm thinking about it. Oh, daddycest.

books, slash

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