(no subject)

Oct 15, 2007 12:36

Hey, I'm back from Wincon! Not that most of you realized I was gone, you jerks.

I didn't die in a firey plane crash or anything on my way there and back. It was definitely fun-- I met tons of awesome people (although I've forgotten most of their names), and hung out with people I haven't seen in months, at least. It was a con full of awesome and meta and sexy boys and terrible, terrible fic that was so bad it was amazing.

And sophie_448 is writing me RPF femmeslash, which is, like, the best thing ever.

I might write something more in-depth later, but I really should go back to work.

If you got friended by me randomly today, I was the really short chick with glasses and short red hair who probably accosted you at one point or another. If it helps, I was one of the people who wrote the suprise!mpreg fic.

supernatural, entertainment, cons

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