Yom Kippur Apology post time again!

Sep 21, 2007 18:02

Don't let my grumpy post this morning mislead you, my friends.

Yom Kippur starts oh... about now, so, it's past due to post this:

If I have hurt you in any way over the past year-- as friend, roommate, acquaintance or otherwise, through misdeed or misspoken words, I apologize. I never meant to hurt anyone. While I know this post will soothe only petty hurts, I mean it for all my misdeeds of the past year. I bear no malice against anyone I consider a friend, or anyone a considered a friend last year, no matter our current friendship. I'm truly, honestly sorry for wrongs I have done you and hope that even if you do not forgive me today or tomorrow some day you will.

L'shana tova tikatevu. May you be inscribed for a good year.


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