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Dec 26, 2006 01:12

Clearly I miss my girlfriend more than she misses me, because I'm sitting here, on my couch with my throat closed up and barely able to see because I want to cry, but I refuse to let myself. But then, that could be the hormones, since my period just started, or the fear, since I'm moving tomorrow (actually, not moving out completely, just getting ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

sleepfighter December 26 2006, 09:35:09 UTC
...whut rly?

...oh I'm gonna regret not having a camera tomorrow I can tell.


lichifruit December 26 2006, 11:51:15 UTC
Yes, I'd LOVE to. I've been going insane lately, and would almost kill to just get out of the house for a day to enjoy myself.


comixologist December 26 2006, 19:19:01 UTC
I miss you. A lot. But I don't cry about that kind of thing really. I never have, baby. I distract myself with other things. Like books and the fact that I'm having surgery on the 28th and school starting in a week.

Just 'cause I don't cry and I actively try to keep myself from moping doesn't mean I don't wish you were here or I was there.


basilmemories December 27 2006, 23:28:55 UTC
Maaaan; you have roosters? I'm envious; all we have here are yappy Chihuahuas.

But here's to... uh drunk neighbors, or something! Before you permanently depart for the land of which I'm unable to visit, we need to do the hooking-up thing. I have gifts and such.


_elanorgamgee_ December 28 2006, 02:47:39 UTC
Roosters and drunk neighbors...? Well, at least your new home isn't boring! Do you need any help moving? I could help pack, or even move stuff (after the new year), since I have access to a minivan.

Also, could you e-mail me your new address (and also your cellphone number, I seem to have lost that as well)? Thanks!

And, I'm sorry you feel so upset. Wish there were something I could do. :HUGS:


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