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Dec 26, 2006 01:12

Clearly I miss my girlfriend more than she misses me, because I'm sitting here, on my couch with my throat closed up and barely able to see because I want to cry, but I refuse to let myself. But then, that could be the hormones, since my period just started, or the fear, since I'm moving tomorrow (actually, not moving out completely, just getting some of my stuff out there-- takaishihoshi and kazeoto are moving in tomorrow, but I'm not nearly packed enough.)

Funny thing about my new place-- for all that my girl likes to joke about me being a "latino gangster", now I really AM living on the wrong side of the tracks. We are, quite literally, a block away from the train tracks. Our new neighbors appeared too drunk to stand up, although one of them wished me a Merry Christmas anyway. And we have roosters in the backyard. They come with the house (okay, they supposedly live next door, but they hang out in our backyard.)

Also, argh, I hate having a free account. Note to self: check and see if you have enough money to get some paid time. Need my icons baaaaaaaaaaack.

lichifruit: Wanna hang out sometime soon? Haven't had the time to see you in a while!


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